I'd really like them to explore more of Halo for multiplayer and forge. Winter environments in particular.
October 15th, 2010, 02:34 PM
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by TeeKup
I'd really like them to explore more of Halo for multiplayer and forge. Winter environments in particular.
I actually think some of the areas on two betrayals would make pretty good fire fight maps especially with the new system that's in place now.
October 15th, 2010, 02:45 PM
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I'd really like to see a PoA firefight map.
Covenant can spawn where the life boats launch. Like in the campaign.
I can't wait for the new map pack. Anchor 9 looks very cool.
October 15th, 2010, 04:27 PM
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
As I recall, the B visor was mashed awkwardly into the base mesh. It didn't look like it attached or fit, it just sort of clipped through. I guess they decided it was easier to toss it than fix it.
October 15th, 2010, 05:26 PM
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
A forge map similar to The Covenant in Halo 3 would actually be sick.
Lush, green environment in one area with a shore, snow in another. The mountains add plenty of height to the map, and there's way more than enough open space to have fun in.
October 15th, 2010, 05:31 PM
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by jcap
A forge map similar to The Covenant in Halo 3 would actually be sick.
Lush, green environment in one area with a shore, snow in another. The mountains add plenty of height to the map, and there's way more than enough open space to have fun in.
That's pretty much the same as forge world. If they do another forge map it should be something different like an open human city (possibly with a a headlong remake in it like how FW has hemo) or a cov env
We’ll make sure you get to play these suckers as much as humanly possible should you decide to plunk down 800 Microsoft points in support of our DLC Team’s efforts. Unlike the map packs of yore, we won’t only be offering a playlist specifically tailored for players with access to DLC. The haves and the have-nots can swim in the same pool and our newly retooled matchmaking algorithms will systematically segment the player base properly so you won’t have to worry about where you can get your next hit of new map smell. They'll be seamlessly incorporated into the already existing playlists as primary voting options.
That's what I wanted to hear. I guess I will get the DLC.
October 15th, 2010, 08:58 PM
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Yay, new invasion map. Hopefully it won't be shit. Ellis, you can have my pre order recon armor. I never put the code in for it, so it's up for grabs. Just pm me if you want it.
October 15th, 2010, 10:15 PM
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by ejburke
As I recall, the B visor was mashed awkwardly into the base mesh. It didn't look like it attached or fit, it just sort of clipped through. I guess they decided it was easier to toss it than fix it.
It's still in the game, but with the extra armour piece bolted on top of it as well (you can still see the parts that are awkward). I think they tossed it because they found it redundant with the Mk. V classic helmet in the game serving the same purpose.
Originally Posted by MrBig
That's pretty much the same as forge world. If they do another forge map it should be something different like an open human city (possibly with a a headlong remake in it like how FW has hemo) or a cov env
Needz moar Library.
October 15th, 2010, 11:50 PM
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by Pooky
People are discussing Reach in the Reach Discussion thread, stop the fucking presses. If all anyone had to say is 'omgawd this game is so kewl absolutely everything is perfect (especially double melee)' the conversation wouldn't last very long, would it?
Typical forum hypocrites complain about complaining then act self righteous about it.
I'm discussing Reach just like everyone else when you always happen to attack MY posts. I also love how you call me a hypocrite when you're the one who started this ridiculous chain fight back with this quote in response to one of my posts:
Originally Posted by Pooky
Guys stop discussing and criticizing Reach in the Reach discussion thread, Bungie are gods and can do no wrong!
And haven't taken the hint that maybe other people actually think little is wrong with the game and you should respect what opinion they happen to draw. OMG CLOSE THE DAMN FORUMS SOMEONE ACTUALLY THINKS DIFFERENTLY FROM YOU. I don't want to sound like an ass and I really don't want to keep prattling about this; I get sick when people complain about stupid, minor issues and then declare that the gaming company and the game sucks when both easily do not. This isn't just a Bungie thing either; it's my own personal vendetta against posts like these, but note how I say posts and not the posters themselves. In other words, I have a problem with people using hyperbole in such a terrible way. In other words, don't overexaggerate in such a crass sense.
Back on-topic to something that's actually relevant:
-I can't wait to play Glacier later. I've been waiting to play on that map on matchmaking for some time.
-I'm excited that the level cap is being raised soon.
-I'm glad Bungie acknowledges that we want Versus Firefight (even if it's not in AU2).