anyone else laugh at textbox001?
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anyone else laugh at textbox001?
I made it to Waterfront on Nightfall and thought I was on the last wave before moving on. I was focused in on sniping an elite while cloaked and I didn't hear a Phantom setting down right on top of me. Instead of reloading last checkpoint, I panicked and tried to run.
I'll try to get it legitimately. I don't want to go down the illegitimate road, because that's probably all I'll ever do. It was fun figuring out how best to do a deathless run on Legendary on ONI, even though that last Elite with the FRG taught me a painful, painful lesson. Once I figure it out once, it shouldn't be a big deal when it resurfaces as a challenge in the future.
I'd like to do them legitimately, but Legendary since Halo 2 (which was the worst bullshit) has always had random bullshit moments to fuck you over entirely no matter how well you played up to that point or what's going on when playing for no-dying runs.
You know what I mean. Suicide grunts that make no noises until turning the corner they're standing at, a jackal that'll snipe you through a tiny crack with a needle rifle when you're otherwise hidden well and waiting on a shield to recharge, and fuel rod and conc-wielding elites with aimbots. The AI reacts so unpredictably to things that oftentimes there's no blanket, all-purpose strategy to keep yourself alive. Sometimes attrition while hiding works, other times enemies will bum rush you.
The worst is the Skirmisher bum rushing. They are what basically caused me to die in my run of the level. Those things drive me up a freaking wall, I swear. In Firefight I have to sweep headshot them and one miss screws you over. They take AR bullets like a sponge takes in water and between them and the Elite Ultra with the Pseudo-Brute Shot, I had no where to turn and go. Has anyone noticed that the Plasma Pistol is like 5x more powerful per shot now?
3 PP shots bring down shields in multiplayer. And you can fire them FAST.
I just do those deathless Legendary achievements with a second controller. I still try to go through it deathless with a second controller (succeeded today), but I don't waste an hour's effort due to random BS.
So I did the first two missions legitimately without dying on Legendary, but when Nightfall would not give me nearly enough credits for actually beating it without dying, I chose to do it illegitimately.
That is the last time.
I got to the last checkpoint, but forgot to Save and Quit.
I am NOT redoing that.
Yeah, I did that one today with two friends and one of my friend's friends over live. We decided that we would go through the mission twice, having two people stay behind and the two others go out and finish the mission, and then switch around the second game. My friend and I were the first two to get the challenge without any problems. However, once it was our turn to go through the mission as the ones that are meant to die, one of our friends quit. So we're stuck with this douchebag who just got the game a few days before. Of course, we decided to be nice and help him get the challenge since he did it for us. We were literally two minutes from the end of the mission when the kid gets his hands on a Plasma Launcher and decided to experiment with it on his foot...Suffice to say that my friend and I weren't too happy...