Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Shouldn't the next daily challenges have beat Tip of The Spear on Legendary without dieing or something?
As for controller layouts, I'd love to have the Halo 1/2 XBox controls, I use Recon at the moment, but I prefer X for Action and B for melee, which you don't get on default.
EDIT: Thanks moderator for fixing the D-post.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
double post much?
also best idea for challenge
Originally Posted by Reach challenge
beat lone wolf on legendary w/o dying
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I have default as well. As soon as I got used to it, I realized how well suited it is for Halo Reach.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I have default as well. As soon as I got used to it, I realized how well suited it is for Halo Reach.
^. I didn't change my controls when I started playing. Since I went directly into campaign (legendary) when I got the game I got used to it very quickly and couldn't accept the changes in Recon.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I've been bumper jumper for years. It allows me to jump and melee without losing the ability to aim, just like I could on PC. In Reach, jumper assigns armor abilities to X and that works great for every AA except the jetpack. Well, I can jetpack fine, I just can't fight while doing it. I wish I could tap X to engage the jetpack similar to how sprint is engaged, then use the jump button to apply thrust.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I use Recon. It's the closest to the configuration I'm used to. The only negative is when you throw grenades while using the jetpack; it really becomes obnoxious in challenges regarding the jetpack too.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Well, I'm somehow getting worse at this game while everyone's super pro. I can't land shots to save my life, but everyone else is spamming their DMR like it's going out of style, and still effortlessly popping off headshots. Armor Lock doesn't seem to be working for me, either.
Time for a break from this game.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Armour Lock doesn't work because everyone has figured out how to defeat it. It wasn't all that effective to begin with (unless someone was trying to squash you), just annoying.
@DarkHalo003: What challenges are you referring to? I can throw grenades just fine using Recon and the Jetpack.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Armor lock has been very effective for me, and there are still PLENTY of people who don't realize that they shouldn't stand too close, less they don't want their shields...and a melee to the face...and to die...bam.
(said the lady)
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
When I've gone into Armor Lock, they just stand right behind me. It knocks them back and pops their shield, but I can't turn around fast enough to do anything about it. Need a damn quick turn.