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That's why I typically stick close by to my team when I'm using it (but not too close, don't want them to feel the wrath of my shield's EMP). That way either I can act as bait, or I'll have some back up. When I team up with Masterz, we're an unstoppable force...almost like the juggernaut :iamafag:
However, sometimes I forget that I'm using AL. But sometimes, that's OK (I don't like using it in elite slayer b/c that loadout blows runny shit, but it was a desperate time in the game).
Armor lock's good if you know how to use it. saved my ass tons of times.. especially against rocket dudes
also you turn wherever your camera's facing when you come out. you can usually melee pretty much instantly.
Holy shit. I didn't know you could rotate the camera in AL. With my control scheme, I have to hold down X to stay in lock and can't twiddle with the look stick.
Try out clawing sometime, it'll help when you need to do stuff like that. I've gotten so used to it I use my index finger for all the buttons.. thumb never leaves the thumb stick.
I'm a freak like that
also, weekly challenge is BS going in alone
To anyone who thinks Armor Lock is ineffective, don't use it in FFA modes. Armor lock is the god of team games on cramped maps, being the one and only hard counter to grenades. Also, armor lock is by far and away the best AA for Elite Slayer. I've killed people more than once by throwing their own stickies back at them.
But yeah, like p0lar, I haven't been playing this game much for a while. The multiplayer is just so boring and mindless, I see no reason to continue until the rank cap is lifted. At least I finally got the armor I wanted, and it is pretty awesome.
The weekly challenge was really easy if you ask me...
I just got it playing Invasion Slayer. Wasn't easy, especially on Hemorrhage, but it was kinda worth it.
I pretty much always use Armour Lock, the only times I don't is when I need to use sprint, which isnt that often. Sometimes I simply pop into it, wait to see the animation of enemy reloading, unlock and kill him. Or when I see an enemy in armour lock, I walk up to them, wait a little then pop MY armour lock on, they usually freak out and drop theres, which is when I drop mine and melee them and kill.
Importance is variation, and also I try to time it so I always have 1 armour lock saved (Like I only use armour lock, till the circle is half full), then I can always pop in.
Playing with Korn and Masters, Masters and I are beast with AL, he pop in, screams down mic, and I get easy kill. Or sometimes, I throw a grenade, just as its about to go off, he drops into armour lock, hits enemy and I get easy kill.
So its 19th October, 10am PST (6pm for me), no updates :(
Also, sometimes I go to select stuff from my Local Files thing, and its grayed out (meaning no device is selected) but theres no way to select it...Apart from taking a screenshot/movie and trying to save, and one know how I can reguarly just select the save device. (HDD)
Bump, playlist update is out, no sign of that challenge display saying how close we are. Atom is an awful sniper map, theres just too many objects you cannot see past, like all above eye level.