that what you get for letting a 12 year old get his map in the playlist
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O wow, this guy makes Jcap look like an amateur booster...
5 days worth of firefight, 179,000 covenant kills
I played Atom once and I loved it. it was complete chaos, just like C3ll.
I have yet to play either of the maps, in which playlists do you see them often?
I just played Glacier in Score Attack, uhhh I love the bug in the system where the text does NOT show up what so ever or the weapon icons, pickup, .etc. That's just me.
Kornman was nice enough to render this for me in SD :D
It looks fake, but I 100% assure you this was in MM. FP view is better as I only see him, when he jumps up. So he startled me and I quickly jumped down and shot him
Betrayal system can suck my dick.
4 vs 4 Team Snipers on Reflection. Lucifer got a nosebleed and quit, connor I booted after about 5 seconds of game start for betraying me. And the G33 guy proceeded to betray me 13 times, those were the only times the game counted, they didnt count the times he shot my shields and blue team finished me off.
Why does it suck? I couldnt boot the second guy, even after 13 official betrayals..WTF?
wow.. I can't believe I never thought to do the challenge in invasion. got it first game.
fuck me.
Fack forgot the link >_<
Oh I assassinated him on his right shoulder btw, you cant assassinate on the left shoulder though...Look in my fileshare for a first person view, also check out the random assassination I got (more like accidential assassination).