Can I see a screenshot of this reticle bloom? Everyone keeps bringing it up but I've never noticed it ingame.
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Can I see a screenshot of this reticle bloom? Everyone keeps bringing it up but I've never noticed it ingame.
It's just the projectile error that increases the more you shoot your gun. It's not as big of a problem with Automatic weapons as it is for Precision weapons, where the projectile error is random in many cases, although if you shoot calmly and not spastically then you'll make your mark. The problem, though, is that since the projectile error is more random with weapons like the DMR, it's deemed unfair for people because it goes down to chance in those cases. However, if you pump your rounds steadily then it's not a big issue, which is why it's definitely a good long-range weapon. However, at short range it's veyr controversial because people usually pump off rounds like crazy and the random projectile error increases exponentially, therefore it's difficult to tell the outcome msot of the time in this manner. That's why it upsets people so mcuh with precision weapons.
They introduced dice rolls into the precision weapon equation and people are understanbly upset. I respect that they wanted to allow people to fire faster than is proper, but they should have shrunk the critical hit zone as the rate of fire increases, rather than blooming everything out. That would sort of simulate bullet error without resorting to randomness.
I really like atom as a sniper's map. There's no real places to camp on the map, it keeps the players mobile.
Well atom is 10 000 times better than any of sevlag's Forge maps. As long as his maps stay out of MM I won't complain =)
They see you trollin', they hatin'...
I almost thought I saw somebody with this. If you have a firefight perfectionist onyx you have some serious issues.
Also I have yet to play Atom.
I used to wonder about the RL on Ascension as well, until I realized that it's actually designed very well. What they did is put the only real counter to the tower camping, as far away from the tower as possible. In this way, even if someone does manage to get the rocket in the tower, they won't easily be able to acquire ammo for it, and other players can get the rocket launcher to blast them from their hiding spot.
As for the RL on Reflection, they need to either move it further away from the top floor, or make it a 2 shot with a faster respawn. Jetpack just ruins map flow in so many ways, I fucking hate jetpack.
Atom is still fucking terrible but then again better than lodex's shitty maps with hidey holes all over the damn place...
you making a map for osama bin laden to hide in or something?
today's challenges are easy..just about don with them