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Maybe some new types of power ups. Its been a while since i toyed with them, but iirc theres only the few set types of them. Maybe its possible to add some new powerup tags with unique properties.
Or get the other powerups to work properly.
Ok, before this thread becomes a crap-hole of stuff that is quite impossible with Open-Sauce, I think a quick copynpaste from Korn's original OS thread would be nice where he states what is and is not possible with OS.
*goes to find it*
"Little information update for OS CE:
What you can do:
- Add new scripting functions\globals
- Record the chat box (clients)
- Theoretically create new game engines (ie, ctf). I've made significant advances in making this possible, but there is still amounts of work needed to be done, especially on the UI side
- Have your Sauced servers\games come up in their own server listing, apart from the general server list (so you can hide or better filter your games from the public)
- Multi-team vehicles
- Have access to the networking extension code that I was developing. In theory, it should be working, but I have something fucked up somewhere...because it doesn't. Who knows, maybe I'll figure it out before release?
- Interface with objects in the current game state (ie, location, a unit's weapons, shield power, etc)
- Create your own key bindings for executing custom code (ie, hold shift+g to turn the AI off)
- Create menu interfaces a la Battery.
- Edit the tags that are in memory
- Edit loads of other game state related data
- Add your own game event logging (already have some events that are logged while in game)
- Modify the camera to your hearts desire
- Almost everything from Battery
What you can't do:
- Create new object types.
- Can't replace the physics engine
- Can't replace the rendering engine
- Can't add a perfect Forge mode to the engine. You can replicate some of it's features, but in most cases the engine isn't outfit to do it
Both lists can be much longer but I just wanted to give an overview of a few things you can look forward to and to answer any questions people may have." -Korn
The only thing I 'really' want in this list new script functions or globals. Mainly, multiple permutations, being able to differentiate between certain player, having a game only start (new gametype) when the match is full.
I am 100% for the expansion of Halo Script. Not only that, but it would be awesome if we could change it so that the syntax was more understandable. I know it would be tough but I think that if we adopted a more java-esque syntax then more people would be able to learn how to code in HaloScript.
Heck, if I knew what section of Open Sauce Halo Script was on, I would edit it myself lol.
I don't think you need multiple permutations... we need players to be able to switch models through halo Script. This way they wouldn't have to use the same rigging/boneset. (Ergo, you can be an elite without any problems)
Delete this post pls
Item permutations
ingame web browser
Able to use AVI files as UI backgrounds
I would kill for normal maps on tags like shader_model ect...