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We all know it's a game, that doesn't change the fact that having your searing hot beam of light that you went to great effort to aquire blocked by someone's fist is unsatisfying and obnoxious. The fact that they can then back off and headshot you while you're virtually helpless only adds to it.
We've already been over this before in other threads so let's just say bloom detracts significantly from the skill factor rather than adding to it.
It does. Almost every time I get into a 1v1 with someone and we are both sporting DMRs, I win because I am not firing as fast as I can. If they kill me, it's by the seat of their pants with less shots fired by me, but fired much more accurately. That, or I pull out the pistol and school them in sidearm use. :D
@Pooky: I know it's obnoxious, but please, tell me what isn't in Halo? Destructible vehicles are obnoxious, all the useful guns being almost treated like power weapons is onoxious, starting with DMRs is obnoxious, armour abilities are obnoxious, and the list goes on. Using the sword is as much about timing and positioning as it is about it being a power weapon; you aren't supposed to be able to just sprint around the map slaughtering people.
You forgot to add competitive gaming in general to that list
and guns. and the ability to kill people. and scores. and k/d ratio on the site.
in fact in order to make halo obnoxious free we might as well not play. otherwise it's like going to a restraunt, saying the food sucks, and then we keep going back despite the fact that the food tastes like leaky horse ass
Armor Lock is only acceptable in BTB playlists. Anywhere else makes it stupid.
I was being sarcastic. I deal with the shit in the game like everybody else who decides to play it. If everyone has to deal with bloom, a broken sword and an OP armor lock then it's an even playing field and I'm not getting jewed out of shit.
And you don't think the game would be more fun if we didn't have to deal with those things?
I've never had a problem with them. I pace my shots, I never touch sword, and I whore armor lock.