Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download
ubuntu for android is going to be absolutely fucking phenomenal. I can't wait... and it's going to be fucking free. I'm still not too happy with the new Unity desktop from the little I've used it, Gnome was superior in every way.
and, you know, after thinking about it for a bit, I've come to realize that windows 8 may work reasonably well with devices such as the ASUS EP121.
this thing.
Call it the whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" perspective, but tablet PCs are far more versatile than devices like the iPad and even android tablets, and that's coming from a droid user. Windows 8 may be just what Microsoft needs to drag the spotlight away from apple trying to monopolize the tablet market and give users a more flexible experience.
right now though, their UI is absolutely horrendous, and their obsession with spouting the word "app" everywhere is pretty disgusting.
March 1st, 2012, 10:02 PM
Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download
Originally Posted by t3h m00kz
and their obsession with spouting the word "app" everywhere is pretty disgusting.
Problem is, they're trying to market to the masses, so catchphrases will get tossed more than a hot potato with aids
Now can we please get back on topic guys? Terry Crews, go
March 1st, 2012, 11:22 PM
Rainbow Dash
Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download
Originally Posted by t3h m00kz
if they try to force this down everybody's throats like they did with vista,
what? why would you get mad if they repeated (they won't) vista and forced a damned good operating system down people's throats :]
Also fuck ubuntu, kubuntu is so much better than that piece of trash.
Originally Posted by t3h m00kz
yeah this. I've got an HP TX 2510us and it's stylus is fantastic.
the pc is great aside from the part where it burns itself out within two years of regular use because the cpu runs at 100c :]
March 2nd, 2012, 09:42 AM
Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download
windows 8 will have a KILL switch allowing MS to remotely delete shit from your pc.