Ok, so it's not strictly speaking "mine," but it's the machine I've been learning assembly language for. It was designed by a student at my school, and the operating system was programmed by another student. Powered by a Motorola M68000.
^^ I could do that... not
Thats really cool. What school do you go to?
[ot]http://www.colorado.edu. Lol it's printed right on the computer in plain sight. Lower left corner.[/ot]
If all goes according to plan, new pics after Christmas :).
I envy you people that actually get to have a computer in your own rooms :S my parents make me keep mine in the living room, what are they afraid of? Me looking at pr0n and fapping?
Buy your own, then they should have no right to tell you where you put it. lol.
Actually they do. Until you're 18, your parents have legal ownership of everything you buy.