Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
t3h m00kz
I really like atom as a sniper's map. There's no real places to camp on the map, it keeps the players mobile.
Perhaps the people you played against were headless chickens. When I played on the map, everyone always caps those 2 top towers. You always spawn near the bottom, theres only 2 ways up to the tower, and both are in fuel view on the people on tower. You gotta go to the middle of the map, in the open to get to the ramp that goes up. Or you have to go up the lift, which makes an INSANELY large amount of noise, all they have to do is get 1 body shot whilst your in the air like a sitting duck, and melee you.
I love Pinnicale, although on Team Swat the spawns are absolutely awful, on snipers they can be pretty bad, but theres multiple ways to key points of interest.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Hooray for DVD drives failing!
Also, EVA with a gold visor looks like a giant lemon.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Perhaps the people you played against were headless chickens. When I played on the map, everyone always caps those 2 top towers.
I love Pinnicale, although on Team Swat the spawns are absolutely awful, on snipers they can be pretty bad, but theres multiple ways to key points of interest.
I think Pinnacle is fun only when the Rockets are NOT in play (even if I'm using them) and when there is the AR/Pistol starts. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of chaos in trying to throw grenades and get headshots first. Defeats the point of having Camo or Jetpack half of the time.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
i don't get why BTB slayer would be on countdown...why?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I don't get why BTB Headhunter is even around. I played that shit on Countdown last week or something.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
i don't get why BTB slayer would be on countdown...why?
Why not?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
countdown is pretty tiny. It's just got a lot of vertical room.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I'd rather play BTB on countdown than say Elongation which I seem to recall playing back in the Halo 2 XBL shutdown-countdown. It may not be girthy, but like m00kz said, it's got the vert. Also, it doesn't have some central/global choke point where everyone always goes to crowd around/camp, eg, the elevator in Reflection or the middle hill/team caves in Blood gulch. There are many, many ways to get to multiple places. If there's heavy firefight in one direction, there's easily a slight detour around it.
So, IMHO, Countdown provides some pretty awesome CQC action without too much bullshit stemming from the map (variant).
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Enlongation was only fun if I had the sinper. Otherwise I pretty much hated it.
Then again, I'm like, the most anti-vehicle-using guy you'll ever meet..
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I'm pretty sure...pretty damn sure, that today's challenges are rehashed from a previous day within the last 7 days. Expect this time it's now five double kills instead of four.
Goddammit. Change the Legendary challenge to SOMETHING ELSE! Idk bro, how about Exodus or something/anything? Maybe I'll just get one last checkpoint at the end of ONI and never, ever, play another campaign mission again (expect in co-op), kthx!