The bulb at the bottom is filled with millions of challenges and whatnot. I'd get good up to date numbers but rocketmoose is on vacation. :(
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The bulb at the bottom is filled with millions of challenges and whatnot. I'd get good up to date numbers but rocketmoose is on vacation. :(
Then Bungie are complete idiots, the bulb is always full in thermometers, you only gauge from just above the bulb line because heat causes the liquid to expand, lifting it up in the thin pipe.
Yeah, the thermometer is useless. Considering ~21M challenges were completed in the first week, I'd assume we're a bit farther than 29M a month after that.
I bet you, if every player didn't get a single challenge from now on, the cap would still be lifted. Coincidentally when either Black Ops or the Noble DLC map pack is released.
Or the week before, they will turn around and say "Hey, we noticed a miscalculation in the challengeometer, so we'll remove the cap today!".
I'd love to think there is no shady tactics going on with the cap removal, but I really can't believe it.
Not Trollin'. I got an Untouchable and Be The Bullet in this game.
If you can get paired up right with the bad kids on the opposite team then yeah you can get Be the Bullet and Untouchable easier since its up to 100.
It also helped that it was on Hemorrhage with a respawning sniper while I controlled a Territory Sniper versus a bunch of Elites. They also weren't stupid, but they were easy targets, especially when my team kept them from spawning anywhere but their base and the rocks.
Fun and memorable? What? I thoroughly did NOT enjoy those bullshit Halo 2 Legendary moments. Cairo Station? What a joke. Yes Bungie, I love dying literally 50 times just trying to overcome the first serious encounter in the whole level. Thank you. I also love dying instantly on the first part of Delta Halo when shot in the foot by a beam rifle wielded by a Jackal who I can't shoot because his Elite and Grunt buddies are too busy pounding the snot out of me with their 20 round per second guns. I've never gotten past that second part, by the way. I don't know how you get off enjoying the Halo 2 Legendary, because it had to be the most bullshit campaign I've ever played in any game. Even the bullshit of Reach's Heroic difficulty is more fun than that.
As far as Legendary bullshit goes, Halo 2 is king. The others are about even. Halo 3 had to be the easiest Legendary campaign in relative terms (I don't believe we can really compare Halo 1 to the rest since the AI gap is huge between 1 and 2, but among 2, 3, ODST, and Reach, it's pretty even).