Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Fun and memorable? What? I thoroughly did NOT enjoy those bullshit Halo 2 Legendary moments. Cairo Station? What a joke. Yes Bungie, I love dying literally 50 times just trying to overcome the first serious encounter in the whole level. Thank you. I also love dying instantly on the first part of Delta Halo when shot in the foot by a beam rifle wielded by a Jackal who I can't shoot because his Elite and Grunt buddies are too busy pounding the snot out of me with their 20 round per second guns. I've never gotten past that second part, by the way. I don't know how you get off enjoying the Halo 2 Legendary, because it had to be the most bullshit campaign I've ever played in any game. Even the bullshit of Reach's Heroic difficulty is more fun than that.
As far as Legendary bullshit goes, Halo 2 is king. The others are about even. Halo 3 had to be the easiest Legendary campaign in relative terms (I don't believe we can really compare Halo 1 to the rest since the AI gap is huge between 1 and 2, but among 2, 3, ODST, and Reach, it's pretty even).
I did say, "most" of those scenarios were fun. The only thing really bullshit-y about Halo 2 on Legendary was the jackal snipers. The Cairo station hangar was hard, but ultimately satisfying. I'd recommend watching a speedrun of that level to see bad-assery in motion.
I really can't think of any tough, "combat puzzle" spots in ODST. Probably why I was so underwhelmed by that campaign. Most of Reach's difficulty involves a fuel rod gun in some way, shape, or form.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Getting ~30 kills on Hemmorage Slayer as a Spartan isn't hard. And I did that in a match where our side only got to 81 kills. And two Elites in your match were absolutely terrible. Elites are just huge targets with crappy weapons.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
So is anyone else still not seeing the meter on the front page?
I think the base represents challenges up to 100mil. So the bar is then 100 to 117mil
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
So is anyone else still not seeing the meter on the front page?
I think the base represents challenges up to 100mil. So the bar is then 100 to 117mil
I can see the meter perfectly fine, I was reading a thread earlier mentioning that the meter actually isn't animated, it's a still image.
I'm getting the impression this cap was purely to rival other releases next month..
I mean the farming and boosters could easily be dealt with, with or without the cap.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I just opened in IE and it shows up. In FF, it doesn't show anything in that area. Probably something to do with my browser cache.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I just opened in IE and it shows up. In FF, it doesn't show anything in that area. Probably something to do with my browser cache.
I had to turn off Ad Block for to see medals and other things on there.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
no Cortana.
I just had to emphasize that right there. Who the fuck thought that would be an interesting plot device in Halo 3? It wasn't cool or interesting, it was stupid and obnoxious.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Copy Pasta....
The thermometer has been updated, i dont know when exactly the new picture came up so im going to say it was 8 am PST
As of 6pm 10/22/2010, we were at 45.85% completion.
In the 14 hours since the update (approximated time differene, unless somebody can give me the exact time) we have completed another 3.53% putting us at a total percent completion of 49.38% as of 8am 10/23/2010.
So if in 14 hours we progress 3.53%, then to finish the bar (at current rate, not neccessarily THE rate of progress) will take 8.37 more days.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I had to turn off Ad Block for to see medals and other things on there.
Hmm, I wonder how AdBlock is registering images as ads when other images are appearing fine? Oh well.
I wish they would just release an AU with fixes for the credit farming so I can go back to earning cR in campaign for all my silver+ commendations :| (I know, yadda yadda, update certifications, yadda yadda). Blame Stosh? Nah. Blame Luke Smith. That or just apply the stop-loss to individual commendations which get farmed instead if they can.
e: You also have to factor in the Weekend Element, Limited :P. I'd have to assume it updates at the same time as the new commendations come out which is 3am PST.
ee: - BWU - As of 1015am 10/23 - As of 1133am 10/24
Looking at the image properties, it says the BWU image was modified Oct 21 (Thursday) at 337.10PM, while the latter was modified 337.28PM.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion