It wasn't so much the kills as it was the medals.
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got like mike as an elite...funny thing is we only lost to tank campers, on foot we were beating them (could be do to the fact that none of them could PACE their pistol shots)
I almost didn't get Like Mike just a couple hours ago if it weren't for the surprise Banshee that lolboosted into the refinery on Boneyard. Boarded, killed 'em, bombed a few Elites, and achieved it within the last 10 seconds.
All I do is win. (Though, my Game History begs to differ ...)
I think I got mine when I got my Unstoppable.
That or I think it might have been on Boneyard.
I've been playing like shit all week so i cheated and got it in multi team oddball on zealot. But then after that game I started playing normally again and was able to own everyone in btb. Fucking challenge jinxed me
I almost got Like Mike (which I got it eventually) on Invasion Boneyard when I was defending the core and a banshee got close so I accidentally killed one of my team mates with the scorpion tank (he mad I took it anyways) and I was 29/30 and I was about to shoot the guy in-front of me and it said I got kicked, I raged. But I got it a few games later.
If you think about the challenge too much then you're more than likely going to screw up. Just play as normal (like the challenge doesn't even exist!) and you should get it naturally (assuming you have some skill of course)
I haven't even bothered going for it.
challengometer has just gone up.