You earn like a quarter of the what those commendations would others wise give you for kills etc. And thats only in campaign.
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In campaign, once you hit silver+ in a commendation (not sure if this only applies to MAX RANK players or not), it stops giving you ANY cR for earning a new "point" in that commedation. Unless you get to the next level (say, onyx) in which case you earn the level-up cR kicker.
So, to give an example, say my Walking Tank is at the Gold level. I earn jack diddly shit for my double, triple, etc kills, unless the "point" I just earned made me level up to Onyx, then I'd get like 4K cR (give or take 1K) as a kicker for leveling up.
However, my Cannon Fodder may be Bronze, so I'll still earn cR for killing grunts (on top of leveling up). So if I kill 2 grunts and earn a double-kill, I'd only get 2+2 cR since, like I said, my Walking Tank is already at Gold and thus not ponying out any fucking cR.
A bit like my commendations for campaign.
Once you hit silver for majority of the commendations you barely get any credit at all.
This raises a question actually.
Doe's anyone know if this limit is purely campaign or doe's it effect the other game types as well?
I'm at bronze for most of the multiplayer stuff so I can't tell but if the same thing is true for both campaign and match making, I'm wondering how exactly we are expected to get upto some of the higher ranks if there is no credits left once maxing everything else out?
Whichever the case, game completion credits in matchmaking scale to your rank to accomodate the lack of credits you get when you advnace your commendations. When Reach first came out I got most of my credits from commendations, and averaged around 1000 cR per game. Now at max rank I still average at 1000 cR, but 800 or so of that is from game completion.
As of earlier this morning, it is still broken.
However, Co-op Matchmaking allows a higher Game Completion vs a "Custom" Campaign game (which are capped at the generic "Custom" completion cap: 100 cR).
I'm not sure what annoys me more: skrimishers magically headshotting me with a needle rifle or the absolute bullshit that MS/Bungie has been surrounding the cR system with.
I've earned the same cR per commendation "point" in matchmaking games for every level I've been, so the Game Completion isn't scaling to that, if at all.
See, this is what H2 Legendary detractors don't understand. Halo 2's Legendary was punishingly difficult, so much so that overcoming any given encounter felt like a serious accomplishment.
I hate to say this Warsaw, but you seem to be suffering from a serious lack of skill. If I want fair, I'll play Normal or Heroic. When I go into Legendary I expect a serious challenge.
Unfortunately, Reach really failed to deliver in the challenge area. Legendary is really just 'slightly more Heroic'.
That's what skulls are for.
Then play against real people if you want an actual challenge.