Damn it, I won't be able to do the weekly challenge since I'm away for the week :( Seems pretty easy though...
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Damn it, I won't be able to do the weekly challenge since I'm away for the week :( Seems pretty easy though...
Damn that trailer was sick, loved the music. I feel in Tempest, if you don't have a vehicle your going to get mauled.
1000 in a week? Might be able to get it. Biggest MP booster I've seen is T U R K, 2190 kD ratio. He's played so much, that his butt buddy, that has 0 kills, is warrant officer.
I don't see how Bungie doesn't have a way to monitor/punish that sort of behaviour. I know you could get a week-long exp ban in Halo 3 for boosting like that.
It's still a rule, and I have no idea why they aren't banning people. They do say "if you actually play the game we aren't worried, we are more concerned with people with automated systems".
The FF and Campaign like boosting, they said is legit and they arent too worried (they did the silver cap to stop campaign boosting). I personally feel the MP commendations are the important ones, and the ones that have integrity. People party boosting them is destroying the integrity that that MP commendations has.
Well, they haven't exactly updated the ban rules for Reach's cR/commendation system (AFAIK, that one "group" bullet point has been there since Halo 3's EXP). Really, they could just limit the party sizes to be a team's worth if they were that worried about people cR/commendation boosting.
Of course, as a end-user, they didn't Hit 'A' to any sort of agreement saying they wouldn't do this kind of boosting, nor has there been any MOTD texts (that I've seen)...so there's nothing they can do if they're not using an automated system (they're playing within the constraints of the game), unless they want to chance someone raising a law suit.
Fuck boosting and fuck the boosters. I say, let 'em do their thing unhindered so they'll get bored with their unearned, meaningless rank faster and go back to boosting MW2.
Some of it was, no doubt. Still, some of those situations were so fucked up that I was forced to use unconventional tactics, which can be very enjoyable as well. The best example I can think of off the top of my head was the final Flood vs. honor guard Brutes on High Charity. That encounter was so retardedly impossible that I actually had to get through it by camping in the little tunnels where the Flood spawn. If the situation hadn't been designed badly, I would never even know about that strategy. To clear Halo 2 on Legendary, I actually had to learn and understand the game on an uncommon level.
Yeah, I had 800 MS saved up, but I used it on an arcade game instead. I might get the maps at some point in the future, when the first auto update comes out and the multiplayer is hopefully less terrible.
Hit the rank cap today, probably as good a time as any to take a break from the game. My eyesight is just too bad to ever be decent at the multiplayer and I still hate matchmaking. Time to get back to my projects.
Not to mention the assholes who keep dropping at the start of and during the match >:|
It would be awesome if there wasn't so much fucking bullshit surrounding all the caps (rank and commendations) they (MS and/or Bungie) have in place. But then we have to deal with games where people drop from games, leaving you teamless. I don't understand why such an issue hasn't been addressed since 2004? How the hell are you expected to ward off big purple dinosaurs from coming into your shipyard and stealing your data corez when there's only 4 or less of you and 6 of them rolling around tossing sticky spiders at your face?
Be damned if you quit, because that then goes against you. Be damned if you continue to play because the numbers are against you. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Goddammit.
Maybe some kind of team forfeit, where you and whatever members who are even still around vote to end the match due to such a low team member ratio? This could of course be abused like so many other game elements are with each release but it's a place to start thinking "how can we fix this?". Quit bans may work on the individual level, but there's no 'I' in team. Quit bans are a reactive system. Games like Reach need a proactive system.
Or, fuck me, here's an idea: add game servers! [/UMAD gamer]
Or instead of wee little 30 minute bans Bungie should authorize full 24 hour bans (after like the 10th quit of course). However, keep in mind that people lag out too. I range from terrible to excellent connectivity (Firefight's smoothness still puzzles me) so I never know when I'll just randomly disconnect from XBL. My Bandwidth is what's shitty, so there's little I as a 17 year old can do in this situation (I'm not uploading Youtube and the only people at home besides me are parents).
But that isn't to say I approve of quitting. I hate it more than DMR starts and double meleeing in non-Invasion games combined. It happens a LOT too. Usually I'll only have 4/9 games that have no quitting involved. It really kind of pisses me off.