A purist? Nah.
Why are you getting so upset that I'm upset?
[EDIT] Disregard the above, I always forget that threads about Halo games are only for Bungie's personal dick suckers to post in.
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Just got the GI issue in the mail. Your armour has a slot which is like a USB-port in the sense that it accepts a bunch of different pieces that give you a perk. You start off with a Sprint perk, but during a night op where you have to sneak, you get the chance to swap it out for a piece that lets you use Active Camouflage like the Arbiter in Halo 2. You can only carry one piece at a time, and they are all governed by a single recharging meter.
The new HUD pretty much combines the ODST HUD with a shield meter and a motion tracker. You only get plasma and frag grenades this time around, because Bungie decided that the other two types were redundant. The new motion tracker also tells you how high up the enemies are relative to your position, represented by a line above or below the dot (yay, they finally caught up to Battlezone, 12 years later!). I like it.
Now, I don't like many of the aesthetics of the new game, but the gameplay as described (large battles, support for up to 40 AI and 20 vehicles at a time, 'handheld cameras', etc.) sounds promising. The Covenant don't speak English anymore (YES!), and they said they've given a lot of focus on making them terrifying again. We'll see how well they pull that off.
Yeah I posted that concept art after the trailer was revealed: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showp...&postcount=128
Anyways, each side to this has a reason. I do like the story of Halo and all its lore, and it does seem pretty stupid that Bungie "bends the fiction" (to which they admitted in the newest GI article). But as long as the game is fun, it shouldn't be something that bothers you. A game could have the worst and most generic story ever, but if its fun to play and you enjoy playing it then then it shouldn't matter.
Some people enjoy Halo outside of just button mashing. Whatever.
No gripes about Elite armor changing or when they switched to the Mark VI in Halo 2, so you can stop throwing words like 'afraid of change' around. These Reach changes are beyond ridiculous but I digress, it doesn't matter since you're probably a Monster drinking faggot who screams through his mic on XBL, you'll enjoy it as long as there's something to shoot at with explosions.
Over it.
The swappable abilities thing is an idea I had a while ago. I thought it would be cool if you could select modest abilities for a loadout and then find more "uber" abilities on the map, similar to hunting down the rocket launcher.
One of the "uber" abilities might be something like an EMP blast that fires when your shield drops that disables other nearby shields. I can't remember my other ideas. I might have written them down somewhere.
I think sprinting should be a standard part of the combat model, though.
A:I dont drink the shit
B:why would i scream? infact im pretty sure i couldnt scream if i tried and anyone who has spoken to me on live would beable to count for this.
C:if i didnt enjoy halo for what it was then why would i be making a halo themed mod for crysis?
Your just bitching because the game dosnt follow the books, which had extreme artistic liberty, Reach is a very large place to have battles on seeing as oh you know its a planet.
there fore there is bound to be other battles going on that the small peices shown in the books.
Yeah, when I read about the Skirmishers, the first thing I thought was "an excuse to keep using that terrible Halo 3 Brute AI?" As for the grunts, I hope what they showed us was just a subvariant, because that's the wrong way to go to make them look menacing. And, they are grunts for crying out loud, they aren't supposed to be that menacing, even if Jackals and Elites are.
Here I am, apologizing to Apollo for being a cock.
Just saying. I was kind of rude.
E: and lol at your post.