Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I actually own the paperback Prima guide for Halo 2, and it does help. However, if I have to memorize spawn locations, timings, and in general just get lucky to beat it, it's broken. I should be able to observe a situation, calculate a plan, and execute it within a reasonable number of tries.
It's not all about that. There's a rhythm you have to get into, a sort of groove where you become unstoppable. Every Halo game has had it, including Halo 2. You get to the point where you're annihilating everything in your path like the Terminator. It really comes more from understanding the AI and their patterns than memorizing spawn locations.
Unless you're fighting jackal snipers. Then it's just about memorization and avoidance <_<
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Unless you're fighting jackal snipers. Then it's just about memorization and avoidance <_<
Even then, there can be a bit of flow to it. The only way I was able to beat the infinite Jackal Snipers and Ghosts in Metropolis was to simply jack the Gauss Hog from Stacker, drive off before he got in the gun, and barrel my way past everything and anything iridescent-purple between me and the streets. That, however was more of luck than anything else.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Does anyone else here find the Sudden Death in Invasion completely cheap? 30 seconds to 5 seconds after losing the objective from someone dying halfway across the map is a freaking huge gap. It's been the one major hiccup I've been complaining about ever since the beginning of the game.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
It's not all about that. There's a rhythm you have to get into, a sort of groove where you become unstoppable. Every Halo game has had it, including Halo 2. You get to the point where you're annihilating everything in your path like the Terminator. It really comes more from understanding the AI and their patterns than memorizing spawn locations.
Unless you're fighting jackal snipers. Then it's just about memorization and avoidance <_<
It's only the ones on the drop pod section that get me. Only those. Also, what about the elites and their plasma rifles that seem to fire at 1000 rounds per minute? How are you supposed to get into a rhythm when there are 4 of them, and more are on the way (Cairo, looking at you)?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Why oh why did I even attempt playing this again...?
I'm trading this shitty game in for something else. Fuck this game, fuck the douchebags that play it, and fuck Bungie for catering to them.
I'm sick to death of the Slayer Pro and Halo 2 map-obsessed people shitting up matchmaking. I could never stand Halo 2's maps and they're no less insufferable in Reach.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Why oh why did I even attempt playing this again...?
I'm trading this shitty game in for something else. Fuck this game, fuck the douchebags that play it, and fuck Bungie for catering to them.
I'm sick to death of the Slayer Pro and Halo 2 map-obsessed people shitting up matchmaking. I could never stand Halo 2's maps and they're no less insufferable in Reach.
Wow ultimate ragequit. Wait it out about a few months; there really isn't anything better out there anyways. Black Ops is MW2 basically (as it seems) and Halo 3 is probably a ghost town right now. That's popular FPS of course. There are still plenty of other games I guess. Have you also tried playing Infection and other playlists too?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Why oh why did I even attempt playing this again...?
I'm trading this shitty game in for something else. Fuck this game, fuck the douchebags that play it, and fuck Bungie for catering to them.
I'm sick to death of the Slayer Pro and Halo 2 map-obsessed people shitting up matchmaking. I could never stand Halo 2's maps and they're no less insufferable in Reach.
dude BTB or invasion, stay out of TS if you don't want a heart attack, that is what I learned...
and only go in invasion if you have someone else to tag along with (im always up for inv), and BTB just comes down to hoping your team doesn't have downs
also, I still find the arena strangely less infuriating than actual Team slayer...odd
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Probably because Team Slayer is where the "high level" players go to shit up everyone else's game, just like how in MW2 the Level 70s fuck with the level 13s.
I liked Arena in the brief time I played it, even in the Beta. It was somehow more relaxing.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I'm sick to death of the Slayer Pro and Halo 2 map-obsessed people shitting up matchmaking. I could never stand Halo 2's maps and they're no less insufferable in Reach.
I liked Halo 2's maps, but keep them in Halo 2 please.
I'm fucking sick of playing slayer on either Sanctuary or Ivory Tower.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I don't have a problem with Reflection on just good old fashion FFA slayer, anything else is garbage. Asylum/Sanctuary is just BAD all around.