Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I suggest you quit your raging because its clearly clouding your memory. Slayer Pro is AR and Pistol with sprint, no motion tracker. Which is exactly what you want.
Doesn't matter, Slayer [DMR] Pro and the people it attracts are the epitome of what's wrong with the game. I would love to play some Elite Slayer or normal slayer every now and then, but god forbid I proclaim interest in a gametype that emphasizes more than one or two main routes of getting kills (which happen to be either DMR wanking or sprinting around and backtapping people), lest I get labeled as a terrible player and should go back to playing the campaign if I enjoy killing elites so much (some dipshit actually said that to me, verbatim, and was serious. lollin').
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
You do realise, Elite Slayer is basically sticky grenade orgy?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I suggest you quit your raging because its clearly clouding your memory. Slayer Pro is AR and Pistol with sprint, no motion tracker. Which is exactly what you want.
There is also Slayer DMR Pro, but thats not what I said.
Actually, I love the motion tracker, and games without it suck (most of the time, some exceptions). And as I said, Pro gametypes remove most of the weapons on the map, such as the sword. All I want is the classic slayer gametype that they removed back, where all the weapons are available to me.
Oh, and pretty much this :
Originally Posted by
Doesn't matter, Slayer [DMR] Pro and the people it attracts are the epitome of what's wrong with the game. I would love to play some Elite Slayer or normal slayer every now and then, but god forbid I proclaim interest in a gametype that emphasizes more than one or two main routes of getting kills (which happen to be either DMR wanking or sprinting around and backtapping people), lest I get labeled as a terrible player and should go back to playing the campaign if I enjoy killing elites so much (some dipshit actually said that to me, verbatim, and was serious. lollin').
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Totally Worth It - 50 Points: Earn a Double Kill from the Grave in multiplayer Matchmaking.
Both Barrels - 50 Points: Earn a Double Kill with the shotgun in multiplayer Matchmaking.
Cross-Mappin' - 50 Points: Kill a player at long range with the DMR in a matchmade Slayer game.
You Ate All the Chips - 42 Points: Collect all of the flags in a matchmade Stockpile game.
You Blew It Up! - 13 Points: Blow up the research facility in a matchmade Invasion game on Breakpoint.
Poppin' & Lockin' - 25 Points: Destroy a vehicle using Armor Lock in a matchmade game.
Offensive Driver - 20 Points: Earn a kill in a matchmade Rocket Race game.
Wow, these are some terrible achievements.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Looks like there's going to be 3 vidmasters, since there is going to be 10 achievements.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
You do realise, Elite Slayer is basically sticky grenade orgy?
Which is why you roll Armor Lock. If people would swallow their pride and actually use the one hard counter to grenade spam instead of trying to outspam their opponents constantly, not only would there be about 50x less grenade spam, but they'd probably die a lot less often and enjoy the game more. But no, everyone insists on rolling Zealot just because it has a headshot weapon.
Headshots are pro. Kills with anything else means you're garbage. Never use anything besides a headshot weapon, and criticize anyone that kills you with something else. :downs:
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Because Elite Slayer would be so much fun if everyone used Armor Lock? They really need to switch the needler out for a repeater and give the needler to the hologram loadout or something. I'd be nice to have more incentive to use anything other than the AL loadout in Elite Slayer.
And Slayer Pro is pretty fun.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Because Elite Slayer would be so much fun if everyone used Armor Lock?.
Actually, yes. I've tested this, and on Countdown, which is grenade spam central. It's a lot of shit blowing up around everyone with nobody dying from it.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Which is why you roll Armor Lock. If people would swallow their pride and actually use the one hard counter to grenade spam instead of trying to outspam their opponents constantly, not only would there be about 50x less grenade spam, but they'd probably die a lot less often and enjoy the game more. But no, everyone insists on rolling Zealot just because it has a headshot weapon.
Headshots are pro. Kills with anything else means you're garbage. Never use anything besides a headshot weapon, and criticize anyone that kills you with something else. :downs:
What the fuck is up with this forum? Do you guys just say random shit with out actually experiencing it at all? First HotRod was slandering the gametypes without even knowing what they all were, and now you of all people, pbear
I take that back pbear, point still stands though.....People do whore armour lock, and yea I am one of those because it evens the fight. And yes I have played a game of elite slayer where EVERYONE used armour lock (was multi-team), and I was not a fun experience I tell you that. Everyone was nading like mad, once they ran out they just plasma pistol bolt and melee for a cheap, pretty much unavoidable insta death.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
What the fuck is up with this forum? Do you guys just say random shit with out actually experiencing it at all? First HotRod was slandering the gametypes without even knowing what they all were, and now you of all people, pbear....People do whore armour lock, and yea I am one of those because it evens the fight. And yes I have played a game of elite slayer where EVERYONE used armour lock (was multi-team), and I was not a fun experience I tell you that.
Dongs. Dongs everywhere.