Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
8858cR from a single game, a new personal best. 3 challenges, one new gold commendation plus the usual game cR.
Originally Posted by
The word that sprang to mind for me was, "yuck".
Also, challenges have been a huge disappointment. It seems like their ability to script them is limited and they'll never be as specific as some of the campaign achievements were.
I guess they only stepped away from the online specific achievements for the retail game, not for DLC. Now we'll just have people playing just to get these specific achievements causing some oddball votes. Hopefully this means they're coming out with a race playlist then.
I remember coming across what I could have sworn was their challenge criteria system in the game code and it seemed pretty robust. Though it could have been junk for their new Megalo scripting engine too, it's been a while since I last looked.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I suggest you quit your raging because its clearly clouding your memory. Slayer Pro is AR and Pistol with sprint, no motion tracker. Which is exactly what you want.
There is also Slayer DMR Pro, but thats not what I said.
I'm a colonel, you unlock gingnir and mark 6 at brigadier. No weekly update today? Its 23:38GMT, I thought they got released earlier in the day.
Wow, just found
some dude that has 12
DAYS on!? Jcap played alot, but he only has 2 days.
Slayer pro is terrible. Sprint + no motion trackers = nothing but a bunch of tards running around back tapping eachother. Taking away the motion tracker does not make the game more 'pro'.
Originally Posted by
Why wouldn't I be? I always loved the mix between long range and close range combat. vOv
Shotty snipers was roughly 80% shotgun corner crouching, 10% grenade spam, 9% sniper shot-punch, and 1% headshots. Fuck that garbage.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Wow, wtf is with the guys at HBO?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
They're just jealous.
But yeah, that was oddly whiny, even for them.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Nice work Korn, now all we gotta do is find those variables.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Nice work Korn, now all we gotta do is find those variables.
He has the film showing how to do it in his fileshare. I'm fast forwarding to the part now.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
With Louis saying I'm ruining it by poking through the code and Urk calling my sauce weak (I wonder if the pun was intended?) I think I now have any non-old-school Halo fan automatically hating me.
Not that I really care for this newbies jumping on some proverbial we-hate-kornman-bandwagon...but...well, guess there's always 343i after this!
TBH, I think the rank cap was weaker sauce, but hey, that's just me.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Someone is rendering the whole film :ugh:
And another post by urk
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Urk's fault for blabbing about the egg in the first place.
Kornman would've been a hero if he wasn't nice enough to give everyone the hints before finding it himself. Lame. Stop being such a nice guy, Korn.