What a strange happenstance that it just happens to be on the same days as a playlist update. Go figure huh? Oh well, I'll pick up Reach again when the new ranks hit today. Get to Brigadier and then stop caring. :P
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Almost to Commander G2
Player model still hasn't updated since the first day :C
My model has NEVER changed.
About 40% to go to Colonel G1.
I'm saving for gold now. I'll still need to get 50k more cR once i hit Colonel. Then I'm saving for Mk V shoulders, haven't calculated if I'll have enough to buy anything else before buying them.
Gold visor seemed worth it to me, people got mad in-game about my flames and gold visor :realsmug:
Korn's almost a Brigadier. Lol...
The problem with the models appearing on B.net hasn't been figured out yet said Bungie on one of the updates. They don't know exactly why it's happened and they said they're trying to find out daily. I think it's because there are so many people and files playing the games and so many assets that there's clogging of some sort.
You guys should check out my alt Reach account...http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/De...xXSAVIORS0ULXx
Jokes, but DAMN that guys a freaking General.
Wow, http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/de...er=cloudspider, that dudes fairly legit (although he played firefight alot, least he didnt circle jerk).