I probably haven't played the game in almost a month.
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I probably haven't played the game in almost a month.
popped in reach yesterday, arena with no motion trackers is FUN
people are more likely to fall for holograms, my main gripe was one match on sword base where the other team was just herp derping with sprint
one time I underestimated the sniper jackals on legendary, near the spire, one of them used the hologram, and as I approached for a melee kill, the sniper who was in cover beamed me.
I was so surprised, jackals using AA. xD
Was Kormman00, the 1st to "discover/leak" the Pelican/Phantom event in New Alexandria?
No mention of that in the weekly update, was there? I guess they're hoping the toothpaste will go back in the tube. Their silence reminds me of the H2 Vista launch.
Urk said they're hoping that the majority of hunters won't find the video and that it will still be found legitimately by some communities.
They can't create new challenges. What they shipped with is what we're stuck with. I can't find the other quote right now, but there's about 500 in all and we haven't even see a quarter of them used.
"legit" is relative. You could travel to Alpha Centauri at near the speed of light, taking a handful of years, or you could fold/bend space, arriving in less than four. It was Halloween weekend. I was browsing the bnet forums and saw all sorts of people just booting up the level trying to find a switch. Then I saw some people trying to get teams together for legendary runs. That's was sparked me to even find out what the conditions were. My initial thinking was "damn, Bungie posted about this egg in their WU and now this is going to be consuming people's Halloween weekend, how can I aid?". It was not "damn, look @ all of dez n00bz and f4gz trying to find diz easter egg, lolololol, i wonder how i can ruin their funz lolololol". Like Louis Wu mentioned, I wasn't around for the IWHBYD skull. Had I known there would have been this big of a drama over saying "The Earth is round", I probably wouldn't have said anything or even went through the work involved.
If MS/Bungie also didn't stop making Silver+ campaign commendation progressions (points, not level) from giving you cR, I probably would have joined the aimlessly-searching-like-a-chicken-without-a-head search myself. It's like putting StarForce or any other kind of nonsense protection on a game: in the end, you're only fucking the end user.
Bring it up again Shock and you'll receive an infraction.
And I'm hoping I can start minting coins out of my asshole.
So, Urk thinks there's some kind of isolated, aboriginal pocket of fanboys out there that spend time hunting down things that -- as far as they are aware -- may have already been found? If that's the case, wouldn't they be too busy trying to crack the Konami code to bother with this? Shit.
They really do think they can re-toothpaste that tube. By staring at it hard enough.
EDIT: That's the last I'll say about it.
Where did those numbers come from? That quote doesn't include any.
I think by scenarios he means they can't include "Play Halo Reach then go play Halo 3 then come back and play Reach again fro 500cR". We're stuck with the conditions their challenge system already includes. Eg, Do X in game mode Y, or Perform X, etc.
Thats because they keep using the same ones over and over. How many damn times have we seen "Get a double kill in a game, X amount of times"...."Kill X amount of people in ANY game mode!".
I was really hoping we'd have some creative challenges, not just bog standard "mini-dlc shite achievements", i.e. kill 2 dudes with a shotgun.
E: Ha, waduyaknow, I check what the challenges are today and surprise surprise.