Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Oh really? I'm not sure if that MLG thing is true. Could care less if it is though. Who cares about MLG besides the people in it? I mean really, video games are meant to be a fun pass time, not some highly competitive sport you see people playing for money or at the Olympics. If I ever see Olympic Video Game playing someone will get smacked in the face. Same goes for Nascar or something at the Olympics.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
No, I'm sure they'll find some glitch or bug to abuse to gain an upper hand and make a big fuss about it so it'll become a legit tactic and encourage it in tournaments.
which the koreans will then master and slaughter them and force them to run from SCII
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
saw a thread on Bnet, apparently MLG will be switching to SCII as their flagship game...hope they enjoy being destroyed by koreans
ROFL this just brightened my day
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Today's daily challenge "Just Hold On..."
someone needs to get their face kicked in
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
20 Rounds without dying? In a day? Shit, that's a lot of Gruntpocalypse on Corvette w/ Armor Lock. 3000 credits for doing something that will earn you 25,000. The challenge reward seems pretty insignificant.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Or you could be social and play 7 games of Firefight instead of being a hermit and staying in score attack *cough* jcap *cough*
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I'm pretty sure they fucked up and that was supposed to be the weekly and this weeks weekly was supposed to be a daily.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Or you could be social and play 7 games of Firefight instead of being a hermit and staying in score attack *cough* jcap *cough*
You know that's 7 games without dying for 3 rounds each, right?
It's guaranteed to be more than that if you just die once, however. And thanks to the dumb as fuck quit ban, if you quit even a game of score attack because the game is blown due to one death, you run the risk of getting banned.
People have already hit the daily credit limit attempting to complete the challenge for those reasons.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Just went through a whole set and got stuck by the last elite.
Not even going to try anymore.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Just Hold On is bugged, too. It would give me the fail message when I died in the first round of Firefight, despite matches being three rounds. Is it even possible to complete?