I'm 7 deathless rounds out of 8 attempts so far. FRG grunt snuck up on me. I was wanting to get to Commander anyway, but I will never attempt this again, unless it's a weekly challenge.
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I'm 7 deathless rounds out of 8 attempts so far. FRG grunt snuck up on me. I was wanting to get to Commander anyway, but I will never attempt this again, unless it's a weekly challenge.
It was retarded and should have been the weekly challenge.
Just completed the challenge. 20 games, 0 deaths. Look howsmugantisocialgaypro I am. B-)
*goes to troll Bungie forums*
Got "Just Hold On..." but, it wasn't worth it as I got 12,000 something credits DOING IT as opposed to the 3000 it gives you as a bonus.
Most challenges tend to be aimed at getting people to work on certain commendations. The challenge gets you 20 perfections closer to your next level which also gives out a bonus. And you get dozens of credits from playing the games leading up until the challenge complete...I don't see why people are bitching about getting cRs. "whaaaaaaaa, I want to be spoon fed cRs without doing any actual work!"
Yes I know that...which is why I said it.
The quit ban should and does apply to all matchmaking games. You're the dumb-as-fuck one in this equation.
I've never ever hit the credit limit while playing Reach before...and there have been days where I've played 20+ FF games plus dozens of MP games. If they're attempting the challenge that many times and failing until they hit the limit...then they probably suck to begin with.
why you rage quite on my brother?
I was getting board of reach.
Oh, and there was some random 8 year old in the party ;p
It's like being a kid and your parent offers you a $5 reward if you go earn $50 raking leaves around the neighborhood. Whoop-dee-doo. $55 vs $50. It's kind of patronizing.
::sigh:: 20/20
I'd like to have a "Fucked Challenge" category on Bungie.net, so I can keep track of the stupid shit that I shouldn't have bothered with, but did anyway. And speaking of fucked, the Perfectionist commendation requirements are absurd and outlandish.
Yeah, some of the numbers required for some challenges aren't in sync with the others. This was their first go around with such a system so there will be growing pains.
"Checkpoint Reached" :realsmug:
*revert to save* :mech2: