I guess it's too bad there's not a :trollface: helmet for you then eh lol
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I guess it's too bad there's not a :trollface: helmet for you then eh lol
Lol. I thought that was the Recon Helmet?
Okay, who here agrees that DMR starts should at least be reduced in the BTB playlist?
Pros to AR/Pistol:
-Promotes movement and actually tactic in a map.
-You won't get spawn killed as easily (if at all).
-You won't die in five seconds for stepping out of a building.
-It gives more prominence to vehicular combat.
Cons to AR/Pistol:
-It may give too much power too vehicles to not have DMRs immediately.
-Bigger maps fit the range of the DMR.
-Supposedly, having the DMR will protect people against Snipers and Power Weapons. I fail to see this being true though.
For further arguments for and against, visit this thread: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=52678259
The only time I would like to see non-DMR starts are on maps which don't feature vehicles (unless it's just ghosts/mongeese...I think I could make an exception to them). Typically, if the map doesn't have vehicles, it's some sort of indoor map (ie, countdown).
IMO, AR/Pistols are explicitly anti-personnel. DMR is a swiss army knife that fires bullets and thus works great when it comes down to foot-vs-wheels (or hovers). The pistol's mag is tuned for fighting against foot based enemies. The DMR's larger mag allows it to go up against mid-to-long range foot soldiers but also for countering on the vehicle front as well.
So yeah, indoor BTB may work better with "classic" starts, but keep that crap out of my outdoor BTB carnage.
You know what would make spawning TOTALLY hassle-free? Safety scissor spawns. Think about it. If half the team is stuck figuring out how they're supposed to kill anyone with their crappy spawn weapon, you can sneak up and club them with an oversized plastic novelty crayon.
If I don't have a DMR on a BTB map I'll typically feel useless when I spawn and there is no vehicle I can take. You might as well have a wee against the opposition.
But as Kornduder stated, I also can find myself happy with AR/pistol starts in smaller infantry based maps. Heck I even prefer them there.
New daily/weekly challenge(s):
Finally, a good weekly challenge
The challenge itself is alright, but I find the 5k credits not really worth the time invested into the challenge.
Heck the entire credit system doesn't motivate me enough to keep playing Reach. I want my Halo2'ish ranks back!
Look at it this way, the amount credits you'll get by playing enough games to win 50 of them will be enormous, being a minimum of around 50 000 credits depending on what playlist you're in. Doesn't that seem like a nice amount?
You also get ~50000 credits from goofing off in 50 straight matches, so effort (and wins) aren't even needed.