Yeah, of course, but if you go and play to try to get the challenge, you'll get a shitload of credits anyway.
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Yeah, of course, but if you go and play to try to get the challenge, you'll get a shitload of credits anyway.
Maybe they should move the respawn points then. I always put them behind cover in clusters of 4.
Well it's not instant-spawn-killing that irks me; it's basically going ANYWHERE on the map without something that doesn't cover you somewhat decently while people from atop the spire snipe you with the DMR just after you spawned. That's what bothers me. And before you say "Well don't run out into the open" I have to say that I've sprinted my way to cover and end up being killed halfway across the map by some jackwipes that chase you down while the rest of your team is being molested by the same people firing from atop the Spire. Sorry, but explain to me what's balanced about any of that, especially when controlling one area in a SLAYER game means you basically win.
The AR is a dinosaur of a weapon cliche. It helps nothing. It just masks things, like hiding a fart with a smellier fart. Spire is a very unconventionally designed map and I never found it to be good for much of anything. But AR starts? That's just simple gimping. If I'm going to be gimped, I think I'd rather have my DMR's reticle start randomly dancing around the screen than be saddled with an AR on that map. But then again, I haven't touched MP in weeks.
Personally, I'd rather everyone spawned with just pistols and a good amount of reserve ammo. As has been stated, controlling the entire map is a waste of time when everyone spawns with DMRs and all killed players drop DMR ammo. Spawning everyone with pistols would prevent people being helpless, but also give them good reason to make their circuit of the map and collect DMRs and Needle Rifles.
As also previously stated, concentrated DMR spam is far too effective against vehicles for the Hog and Ghost to be anything more than useless gimps in big team games. Pistol only spawns are the way to go.
fake e: also, reticle bloom on headshot weapons can fuck right off. That would solve a lot of problems instantly.
Pooky is absolutely right, pistol is a perfect starting weapon. Combine it with perhaps an AR (thus use classic weapon starting set) and I think it may make BTB games alot more enjoyable.
If you, after playing Reach, haven't played Halo 1 in a long as time go try it...I did last night and was :trollface:ing with the old pistol.
Oh, and the old fuel rod cannon was fun too
But then the lag started to really get bad and some jackass in the tank was TKing and so the whole awesome nostalgia quickly died down and I went back to work :ugh:.
So at this very instance, has the LTC cap initiated again...who's flipping switches at work?
Lol there are so much complaint topics on armor lock on bungie.
Also saw a vid in which bloom was removed by modding, that game looked alot more Halo to me.