Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
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The AR is a dinosaur of a weapon cliche. It helps nothing. It just masks things, like hiding a fart with a smellier fart. Spire is a very unconventionally designed map and I never found it to be good for much of anything. But AR starts? That's just simple gimping. If I'm going to be gimped, I think I'd rather have my DMR's reticle start randomly dancing around the screen than be saddled with an AR on that map. But then again, I haven't touched MP in weeks.
It promotes map movement on Spire. And obviously you've never used the AR to its full effectiveness; it's a powerful and useful weapon when used right. It's basic at first glance, but pumping the shots with shorter controlled bursts can result in an easy kill or deal great damage to a player's shield and health.
Bloom makes sense until you reach the DMR. Even for the pistol (which is a 5sk and shouldn't have flawless accuracy) bloom works proportionally; if you time your shots right it's not even a problem. However, the DMR has too random of a projectile error with bloom, which makes it sort of like the Halo 1 AR but with headshots and no full-auto version.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I'm convinced that everyone butthurt about bloom on the headshot weapons is not using them properly. You are probably still trying to fire it at two rounds per second, which just doesn't fly. I have had zero problem placing my shots with both accuracy and precision using the DMR and Needle Rifle. Aside from having a different magazine size, the DMR performs as admirably as it did in the beta. He who places his shots will win against the spammer at DMR appropriate ranges. Otherwise it's whoever gets the first shot/melee in.
As for the balance issues, yeah, I have to agree. Spawning with the most useful weapons in the game makes it vain to go seek out other weapons. C wut they did thar? The real power weapons are treated like normal weapons while all the "specialty" weapons that utterly suck outside of their domain get treated like "power weapons." Good job, Bungie, sucking up to the profags. :downs:
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
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I'm convinced that everyone butthurt about bloom on the headshot weapons is not using them properly. You are probably still trying to fire it at two rounds per second, which just doesn't fly. I have had zero problem placing my shots with both accuracy and precision using the DMR and Needle Rifle. Aside from having a different magazine size, the DMR performs as admirably as it did in the beta. He who places his shots will win against the spammer at DMR appropriate ranges. Otherwise it's whoever gets the first shot/melee in.
As for the balance issues, yeah, I have to agree. Spawning with the most useful weapons in the game makes it vain to go seek out other weapons. C wut they did thar? The real power weapons are treated like normal weapons while all the "specialty" weapons that utterly suck outside of their domain get treated like "power weapons." Good job, Bungie, sucking up to the profags. :downs:
The problem Pooky and I have with reticle bloom is that we end up getting killed by people spamming DMRs at close-to-mid range and getting lucky headshots all too often. I try that shit, and it never works. It feels like the "penalty" for spamming it is being doled out inconsistently. Counter-Strike's error system was annoying and abusable as all hell, but one thing was certain: fire something faster than you should, and the bullet could land literally anywhere where you were looking. The chances of getting your head blown off by someone spamming an AK full auto was a snowball's chance.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I find spamming the pistol to be a more reliable way of getting kills than pacing my shots and trying to aim.
Also, I hate the DMR. It's effective range is huge and frustrates me a lot more than BRs ever did.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Auto-spamming with the AK would 90% of the time result in a headshot so long as you were aiming down and on the right side of the target from your perspective. Still very, very abusable. But since they updated the game and the AK has 100% perfect accuracy on the first two shots, you can run around all day popping people in the head with little to no effort thus making auto spamming something that is only done in a panic. With a console-modified crosshair size, the AK is right up there with the AWP and auto-snipers now.
But I digress.
As for people dying from those lucky headshots, the only thing I can tell you is that if you're trying to fight back with the DMR, that's what is getting you killed (at close range). I always have a plasma pistol or some other close range weapon on me, and the plasma pistol is readily available since everyone overlooks it despite its apparentstatus as a power weapon. DMR spammer at close range? No problem, green-beam his ass or send him straight to hell with a grenade and burst of fire. Or, you could throw a grenade and finish him off with a single DMR (or pistol) shot to the head if you must use the DMR up close. Mid-range? DMR will kill faster if you place five shots then if he wastes two magazines spamming. If he's hitting you consistently while spamming at range, then it isn't luck any more, it's skill. I've never seen a DMR shot veer off centre more than twice the reticle diameter, and that is quite controllable. I had no problem dominating with the DMR during the beta and release, and I am not getting killed in bullshit ways by DMR spammers, beta and release.
Honestly, just because you can't get a regular 25:1 k/d ratio doesn't mean the game is borked.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I wish they would have just given the guns actual recoil.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
What difference does it make if the gun jumps up on your screen or not? The end result is still the same: an increasingly randomized spread of bullets the faster you fire. Or are you referring to the usual recoil effect used in games like Call of Duty or Bad Comapny? That wouldn't work because you don't have an irons system to counter it; it would be like trying to use the M82 without scoping in. That, or Bungie would be twats and do what they did with the SMGs in Halo 2 and 3.
E: You would also be surprised to know that most kills obtained in hardcore mode are done without bringing up irons at all, it's just spamming the automatic fire at close range. Look, we're back at square one.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I was referring to the recoild in games like BFBC2.
You make a good point though.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Was playing last night with a few of my friends, we all got really annoyed at the DMR shit and abuse of the power weapons on certain maps, so we decided to try out H3 again, never had so much fun going back to an old game in my entire life, the weapons actually kill shit quicker and easier in H3 than they do in Reach x.x
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Was playing last night with a few of my friends, we all got really annoyed at the DMR shit and abuse of the power weapons on certain maps, so we decided to try out H3 again, never had so much fun going back to an old game in my entire life, the weapons actually kill shit quicker and easier in H3 than they do in Reach x.x
Halo 3 was problem the funniest and most fun game I have played for 3 years. I never went into a BTB game and either didn't laugh uncontrollably or didn't enjoy it at some point. Now, the DMR (which kills faster than the BR) is crapping up BTB when you start with it because it's no fair for infantry not exactly proficient with it or people are just trying to find a different way to play. On Hemorrhage, I can understand why it'd make sense since you're trying vigorously to traverse across the map and people are usually half-a-map's length away. But for Spire and Boneyard, where it's just kind of unnecessary and too overbearing to traverse a map with a mini-sniper hittng you every five seconds, different kinds of starts would be useful. I think if they should either change up the starting Loadouts with varying DMR and AR/Pistol Loadouts (like give Sprint to AR and Jetpack to DMR), added in more DMRs and NRs to the maps and promote AR/Pistol starts, or even allowed NR starts instead of DMR starts. Any of these solutions would fit in comparison to the recent installment. They all contain BALANCE.