Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
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Halo 3 was problem the funniest and most fun game I have played for 3 years. I never went into a BTB game and either didn't laugh uncontrollably or didn't enjoy it at some point. Now, the DMR (which kills faster than the BR) is crapping up BTB when you start with it because it's no fair for infantry not exactly proficient with it or people are just trying to find a different way to play. On Hemorrhage, I can understand why it'd make sense since you're trying vigorously to traverse across the map and people are usually half-a-map's length away. But for Spire and Boneyard, where it's just kind of unnecessary and too overbearing to traverse a map with a mini-sniper hittng you every five seconds, different kinds of starts would be useful. I think if they should either change up the starting Loadouts with varying DMR and AR/Pistol Loadouts (like give Sprint to AR and Jetpack to DMR), added in more DMRs and NRs to the maps and promote AR/Pistol starts, or even allowed NR starts instead of DMR starts. Any of these solutions would fit in comparison to the recent installment. They all contain BALANCE.
Pretty much this. The DMR really gets on my nerves in any type of game when I'm on the complete other side of the map and still get hit by 3 people with DMRs.
Also, the spawning still fucking sucks. I can't count how many times I've spawned right in front of an enemy who's in the middle of shooting a DMR, ending up with me being killed within a second or two. And the opposite happens all the time as well, I always spawn right behind enemies as well. On that note, what the fuck is up with the game spawning you on the complete other side of the map of where your team is? Especially in Team Doubles or Multi Team. You'd think Bungie would have learned from Halo 3...It seems that they haven't fixed the problems people were complaining about the most. If anything, they've made spawning 50 times worse.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
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You'd think Bungie would have learned from Halo 3...It seems that they haven't fixed the problems people were complaining about the most. If anything, they've made spawning 50 times worse.
Upon jumping down from the top of the grass ramp in Reflection, someone literally spawned in front of me as I landed.
Three times.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I got a triple kill in team swat on sword base where that glass overhang meets the staircase coming up to the lift area. The fourth guy killed me but was then slaughtered by my 3 other team mates who were behind me.
Before he died however, those three guys I killed spawned under the glass area at the foot of the steps.
It cost the other team the game for sure. That was a fucked up spawn for them.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I really want to know how those Psyc Profiles work when you're in a party. I think it goes off the party leader but if that's the case, it's like a back door for assholes.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
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Honestly, just because you can't get a regular 25:1 k/d ratio doesn't mean the game is borked.
The game is borked because it's tedious, frustrating, and inconsistent. Despite how much Halo 3 annoyed me at times, I have to agree with the others that its Big Team gameplay is much superior.
Reach just doesn't feel like Halo. It feels like Bungie tried to copy a bunch of stuff from different games and insert it into their own, the end result being a game sorely lacking in identity. Might as well be Call of Halo: Gears of Honor.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Reach doesn't feel like Halo 1. Halo 1 doesn't feel like Reach. They're two different games. From two different periods of gaming history.
And I say Halo 1, because everyone always ultimately ends up comparing every other Halo game to it. Learn to let things go people. If you really want to give in to your nostalgia, go back to playing Halo 1. Halo 3 is still pretty active, just as Halo 2 continued to stay active until last spring.
People are complaining like it's going to cause a magical patch to spawn over XBL which will make Reach the game that they think it should be. Microsoft will only make games which will sell. Bungie will only make games which they want to play. End of story.
tl;dr: Go play a different game if you don't like something about Reach. Still want to play Reach? Deal with it. A game, is a game, is a game. Play it or leave it.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
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I really want to know how those Psyc Profiles work when you're in a party. I think it goes off the party leader but if that's the case, it's like a back door for assholes.
I'm almost certain it goes on whataver trait is most popular on the team; party leaders don't affect it then any more than a normal player.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
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Reach doesn't feel like Halo 1. Halo 1 doesn't feel like Reach. They're two different games. From two different periods of gaming history.
And I say Halo 1, because everyone always ultimately ends up comparing every other Halo game to it. Learn to let things go people. If you really want to give in to your nostalgia, go back to playing Halo 1. Halo 3 is still pretty active, just as Halo 2 continued to stay active until last spring.
People are complaining like it's going to cause a magical patch to spawn over XBL which will make Reach the game that they think it should be. Microsoft will only make games which will sell. Bungie will only make games which they want to play. End of story.
tl;dr: Go play a different game if you don't like something about Reach. Still want to play Reach? Deal with it. A game, is a game, is a game. Play it or leave it.
and yet people still continue to whine about AL/bloom/whatever
BTW came across a topic on Bnet made by shock120, alot of people still don't seem to get that DLC armor is impossible when certain people in the community have picked apart engines from previous installments of the same series
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Reach doesn't feel like Halo 1. Halo 1 doesn't feel like Reach. They're two different games. From two different periods of gaming history.
And I say Halo 1, because everyone always ultimately ends up comparing every other Halo game to it. Learn to let things go people. If you really want to give in to your nostalgia, go back to playing Halo 1. Halo 3 is still pretty active, just as Halo 2 continued to stay active until last spring.
People are complaining like it's going to cause a magical patch to spawn over XBL which will make Reach the game that they think it should be. Microsoft will only make games which will sell. Bungie will only make games which they want to play. End of story.
tl;dr: Go play a different game if you don't like something about Reach. Still want to play Reach? Deal with it. A game, is a game, is a game. Play it or leave it.
The hell are you even on about KM? If you don't understand criticism, I don't understand people who get butt hurt when someone doesn't like their favorite game. There's no point to having a discussion thread just so everyone can go 'omg this gaem is so graet'.
I don't even have Reach anymore, I sold it because it was so bland and disappointing. Reach really doesn't have the "Halo" feel that every game in the series has had up until now, and I for one was thoroughly un-entertained. I didn't say anything about Halo 1 either, so you can drop the 'durr nostalgia' crap too.
tl;dr Don't make stupid assumptions because someone's criticizing a game in that game's discussion thread.
I feel I should add, though I've said this before. Reach did do everything right in the features department. I'm not denying that. Unfortunately the one aspect which they missed, in my opinion, is the most important. The core gameplay mechanics in Halo Reach are to me, simply not as fun as any previous Halo game. As Warsaw said before, the whole thing feels over-engineered and overcomplicated. Halo 1 did, despite some people's idiotic comments about 'nostalgia', have a very well balanced and simple set of tools.
A game can have all the nice features in the world, but if the core gameplay sucks, people are going to lose interest. I have, and many people I know have sold their copies of Reach as well. In the future, I might come back to it, as Bungie have expressed a willingness to change and improve their games in the past. For now though, it's Black Ops for me.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
and yet people still continue to whine about AL/bloom/whatever
BTW came across a topic on Bnet made by shock120, alot of people still don't seem to get that DLC armor is impossible when certain people in the community have picked apart engines from previous installments of the same series
Continuing from your quote, another topic arisen, Should Bungie add a *Custom Game Option* that disables bloom?, and is actually using his "programming" logic, and qualifications, I know what to say, but I'm going to be lazy now. -_-
Thank you to those who had the time to post in my topic, I don't feel lonely anymore. :D