Lone Wolf is like The Little Engine That Could...but couldn't Firefight map.
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Lone Wolf is like The Little Engine That Could...but couldn't Firefight map.
Almost forever, the Elites eventually have only Ultras with Concussion Rifles, Generals with Swords and Concussion Rifles, and the occasional normal elite just running around like an idiot. Nothing to awesome to be positive, but I wonder what would happen if you lasted as long in Legendary?
I survived for 45 minutes on easy. Once the sword zealots show up, kill one and steal his sword. Then proceed to camp on the turret platform foreeeeever. Just watch out for the wraiths that pop up every now and then and threaten to turn the whole platform into plasma sludge. However, grabbing the turrets or the spartan laser will get rid of those. After a while it just gets boring, tbh.
Sweet, they've fixed Hemorrhage and Boardwalk!
Goddammit, they didn't mention fixing Asylum :|
Why the hell don't Bungie just make it so if you above Z amount and not in a vehicle, your classed as in that respawn timer zone thingy, and will die after 10 seconds, then that eliminates any of these types of spots.
I have yet to get mad at the DLC maps, except people that are dumbasses and don't grab the enemy flag when its 10 meters from our fucking flag.
Now let's seem them do all that in a BTB match without dying. And I don't see what upper hand you get being all the way back there.
Also, tried VS...would have been decent if the other team didn't keep quitting