Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
for those who think the new "jackal" look is impressive, you're mislead.. the new jackal-esque enemy is called the skirmisher...
and in terms of gameplay all I have to say is it better be as fun as Halo 1, which was honestly better than H2, H3 or ODST...
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Upon closer inspection, it looks like most if not all of those screenshots are from the same map at different times of day. My guess is it's a firefight map. Given that, I'm slightly less harsh in my criticism of the lighting, but only slightly. We'll just have to see how cool it is to play Firefight for so long that you cycle from day to night (I assume it would cycle relatively quickly). But if they pull that off right, that's one of those things that will make me more impressed with this game.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Wouldn't it make more sense to just have day and night versions of the map, like they did in ODST?
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
sense schmense, proper time-of-day lighting is hot.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Bungie have stated that all of these screenshots are pre-alpha build so the game isn't even in alpha yet so expect a whole lot to change by the time we get to try the game at the end of spring this year.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I like this quote:
Bungie also told us that improvements to Halo’s AI would offer Reach buyers plenty of replay value compared to highly scripted series like Uncharted or Call Of Duty.
"The AI system is super robust, and is taken for granted as a rich simulation,” said community director Brian Jarrard. “A lot of people don't necessarily appreciate how much of a difference that makes in their experience, the fact that everything is simulated, nothing is bolted down. You can throw a grenade in a room and it's all physically simulated. Even in our giant environments you see films in which someone will throw a grenade and it will send a Warthog flying through the air and it'll kill someone on the other side of the map. It’s one of those things which is so hard and complicated to do, but it's just underlying the whole game. It's kind of delightful that people don't appreciate how hard that stuff is to make.”
Finally, they're pushing back at all the complete shitheads -- players and critics alike -- that don't have the first clue why Halo is special.
As long as a Halo FPS retains its simulated identity, it will always be my favorite FPS series by miles and miles. My own nitpicks and gripes be damned.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Only thing I really want to see them change in Halo's mechanics is the addition of an irons system. Even the annoying melee lunge that has been in since Halo 2 can stay.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Only thing I really want to see them change in Halo's mechanics is the addition of an irons system. Even the annoying melee lunge that has been in since Halo 2 can stay.
Why. WHY do people like iron sights. Halo's aiming is pretty-well pinpoint to begin with. The characters have always had damn-good aim, you don't breath like a dork when you're zoomed in, I don't understand why people prefer to be looking down their barrel.
Edit: That is what you're talking about, right?
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Halo's not a 'semi realistic' shooter like COD. It's more like Unreal Tournament meets CS... I wouldn't like iron sights except maybe in a more tactical Halo game (which ODST could have been but was not).
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Why. WHY do people like iron sights. Halo's aiming is pretty-well pinpoint to begin with. The characters have always had damn-good aim, you don't breath like a dork when you're zoomed in, I don't understand why people prefer to be looking down their barrel.
Edit: That is what you're talking about, right?
I just like doing it. Has nothing to do with extra accuracy or whatever, I just don't like hip-firing at all. It feels strange that I can nail a running guy in the head with a 14.5mm sniper rifle while unscoped, or that I can unleash a volley of aimed fire from an SMG without having to bring it up to my shoulder. And Halo Reach seems to me like it's trying to be a bit more tactical; that's the only reason I suggest it.
Hell, I just want the irons. The breathing and wavering I couldn't care less about (and contrary to popular belief, holding your breath actually throws your aim off).