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Warlord, run the BT speedchecker, there are ALOT more variables in terms of phone line, when it comes with speeds.
Keep in mind, Firefight involves parties of 2 to 4. It probably does that by default considering the specifications. Halo 3 did the same thing with language barriers and what not.
More DLC? AWESOME! I can't wait to play new stuff. I've been elsewhere since I rented Metroid 3 Corruption, but after tonight I'll be back online considering I have to turn MP3C in. I'm going to my first FFA tournament on Saturday, which should be an educational experience in terms of the actual running of the tournament since I will be hosting one in the future.
Does anyone know if they plan on changing up BTB to add in more variety in starts instead of nearly always DMRs? And by nearly always, I mean almost always with the exception of BTB Snipers.
Lost twice in Breakpoint Invasion, reason why is because 2 teammates quit both games. And in my last game the our teammate whored the wraith to the point he killed every team member going for the bomb that was 2 feet away from the bomb to be planted. Ugh, damn this last achievement.
I'm so-so at the game, but I play for lulz and not for creds.
Finally got a good invasion game and won, also I got my last achievement, yay for 56 out of 56!
Looks like someone may have found a terminal.
Someone thought they found a terminal on nightfall too, just because it looked like a computer terminal. Doesn't make it an easter egg terminal.
Typical b.net thread