retarded? ignorant to how their engine works...think MLG is some form of christ
did that cover it?
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I wish I could match up with US players under 100ms. :'(
(That's the most I could achieve on my 50Mb connection...)
It's a much longer list that will make any person rage and destroy their computer.
E: If anybody could render this film much thanks would apply, SD or HD it doesn't matter it's under a minute.
I used to have like 255 render minutes months ago but spent them rendering beta game sessions in full HD which cost a pretty penny and the rest assassination animations.
I'm beginning to fully agree with reducing melee damage to 75%. The double melee is the main problem that irks me about melee.
Welcome to the melee-damage-nerf party, Freelancer.
I just wish they didn't separate the shield health from the actual health. I wish the melee would carry over from shield to real because as it is now you pretty much have to double melee, the spam bullets + Punch is hella weak and awkward now because you have to wait until their shield pops before you can punch them.
But ye know, that's just my opinion and I'm sure they thought of that during design and more people could come up with more arguements to nerf it a little bit and make it more difficult to kill people.
Hell, I miss the days of BLB and BXB. Bring back double melee glitch so I can melee faster.
Dude, you've had to wait for their shields to pop to punch them since the first game. If they made it like you said, then people wouldn't even have to try. Shoot one shot, punch, done.
2 Punch kills aren't the problem. The problem is that it's really a 1-punch kill, because once you land the first punch, the second is academic.
I think a puncher with shields punching someone else with shields, should have his shields pop along with the punchee's. Make it some kind of contact feedback in the fiction to explain it. That way, the punchee can retaliate while the puncher is stuck in his melee cooldown period, punishing the puncher for trying to punch a guy who still had shields up.
But whatever.
Or they could go back and make it 3-4 punch kills. Easier that way and makes logical sense without extra story background to muddy the waters.
I want a system that encourages only one punch to be thrown. Throwing consecutive punches -- whether it's 2 or 3 or 4 -- looks stupid and should not work, period. I want the ideal to be Drop Shields-Punch-Kill.
I don't feel like Halo has ever gotten it right.