I agree with smack. Iron sights are dumb.
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I agree with smack. Iron sights are dumb.
To each his own. At least even in the books he has a crosshair on the HUD, so not all is lost.
I have issues with iron sights. It's sort of a weird functional switch in your brain. When you're out of iron sights, that's when you're making your decisions and when you're in iron sights, all you're doing is aiming. So, one can watch footage of a CoD game while holding a stopwatch and you can precisely determine the percentage that the player's brain was turned on vs when it was turned off. in the case of CoD, it seems to be a very high proportion of mindlessness.
I get the gun porn appeal of iron sights, but I think they're such a product of realism that they don't apply to hypothetical future weapons. If you were designing weapons for a game from scratch, why would you even bother with cumbersome, old-fashioned stuff that has to completely obscure your target in order to work? Why wouldn't they have sights that allow you to SEE your target and give you a better periphery view? That's basically what Halo already has.
I'd be okay with sights as a part of the presentation value if it weren't an obligation to aim down sights. If it didn't grant any kind of artificial accuracy bonus.
Because electronic sights can fail for a number of reasons is why irons are still around and will still be around for a long time. Also, well-designed irons don't completely block your target, only shitty ones like on the M16 or G36 do.
But I do see your point.
As long as I don't HAVE to use them, like ej said, I am okay with them.
Updates out.
Right. Let’s talk a little Halo: Reach.
Builds are coming in at a blistering pace as the team continues to drive hard and fast towards the ever looming Alpha branch. The process is so break neck at times that it’s hard for us poor dudes over in the community pod to keep track and chronicle the goings on for you in any meaningful way. For example, the build that brought you the latest batch of media assets was already weeks old when we scrubbed it for screenshots. Pre-Thanksgiving, in fact. The nature of the development process is such that stability can often become a concern when the various disciplines are routinely plugging in their new pieces of technical and artistical hotness, so when it came time to show it off to our media friends, we decided to dust off one of the older, notably stable builds. Game tends to show better when it’s in rock solid working order.
This make's me very happy, i really did not like the yellow hud in ODST, didn't feel like Halo and it really did not blend well in the outdor environments...Quote:
Oh, and while we’re on the subject of UI, the HUD isn’t yellow anymore. It’s blue. Because Marcus said so.
I liked the yellow in ODST. I just don't think it works for Reach because the Chief's HUD was never blue, and we are still playing as Spartans after all.
Should've just crossed out "never". =รพ
Too easy. ^_^