Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I don't understand gamers these days. If someone don't like a game, if it's leading to infinite frustration, why are the hell do they playing it? I play video games to wind down, not to have more shit to be stressed out about. I mean, I'll do my damned best to get as good of a score as possible, but I'm not gonna bitch about shit if I lose. A game starts frustrating me, I just go play something else.. I mean, really, is it a complex concept?
"why the hell do they playing it" is now a meme. so sayeth the m00k.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
t3h m00kz
I don't understand gamers these days. If someone don't like a game, if it's leading to infinite frustration, why are the hell do they playing it? I play video games to wind down, not to have more shit to be stressed out about. I mean, I'll do my damned best to get as good of a score as possible, but I'm not gonna bitch about shit if I lose. A game starts frustrating me, I just go play something else.. I mean, really, is it a complex concept?
Because most gamers who say they hate it are just rage posting because something didn't go their way. It's becoming more and more common too. Why do people get so royally pissed about stuff that's supposed to happen?
Now things like spawn camping are understood frustrations though.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
because they either dont have another competitive game to play, or theyre complaining about a certain element of the game that they dont like. pick any specific complaint in this whole thread, take the person who typed that complaint, and have that specific thing happen to them a couple times in a game. see if they dont rage a little. i know when i play games, its specific things that make me flip out, but it doesnt mean i dont like or enjoy the game.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
t3h m00kz
I don't understand gamers these days. If someone don't like a game, if it's leading to infinite frustration, why are the hell do they playing it?
If you're talking about me, I don't play Reach anymore and haven't for quite some time. It wasn't what I wanted from a Halo game, and was really disappointing coming from Bungie.
However, that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to keep discussing it. If people want to go in a forum thread so they can ejaculate all over a game, they're going to have to deal with critics too.
tl;dr complaining about complaining is hypocritical. There will always be someone who doesn't like something. Deal with it.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Bungie's still seems a bit bitter about Pelican-gate, judging by the latest podcast. A post titled "do you want to fly the pelican?" contains instructions for how to fly the pelican (which it actually didn't)? Madness! You fiend!
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Bungie's still seems a bit bitter about Pelican-gate, judging by the latest podcast. A post titled "do you want to fly the pelican?" contains instructions for how to fly the pelican (which it actually didn't)? Madness! You fiend!
Once again, anthony last year read out the scripts and found out the whole hayabusa deal. They should have known better.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Once again, anthony last year read out the scripts and found out the whole hayabusa deal. They should have known better.
Well, it's not like Bungie could have done anything to prevent it. They just shouldn't have been so surprised and shocked when it was found in the scripts.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Bungie's still seems a bit bitter about Pelican-gate, judging by the latest podcast. A post titled "do you want to fly the pelican?" contains instructions for how to fly the pelican (which it actually didn't)? Madness! You fiend!
Funny, the post wasn't titled "instructions on how to fly teh pelicanz"!
Not my fault they want to keep digging at that scar. Will have to give the podcast a listen later.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Well, it's not like Bungie could have done anything to prevent it. They just shouldn't have been so surprised and shocked when it was found in the scripts.
Man im sure they could have uses some random ass names for the script objects, at least something less obvious than RINGS or PHANTOM/PELICAN
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Man im sure they could have uses some random ass names for the script objects, at least something less obvious than RINGS or PHANTOM/PELICAN
but then they would have to name the obj files as that so it would've just taken a few more hours probably