You need to watch me or any other good player in a game. Sighting is just a minor FOV zoom and a accuracy boost. Good players strafe jump while aiming so they can dodge while sighting.
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You need to watch me or any other good player in a game. Sighting is just a minor FOV zoom and a accuracy boost. Good players strafe jump while aiming so they can dodge while sighting.
Dodging isn't exactly what I mean by making decisions, but I'm not going to argue other than to say MY brain turns off every time I'm obliged to go into tunnel vision mode.
And aren't you kind of committed to shooting and only shooting to bring a guy down with the iron sights? Halo is much more about combos of different attacks to bring a guy down than Call of Duty and that's what I love about Halo and bores me about CoD.
Personally, I had an unpleasant time adjusting my play style to meet that of COD's (not to mention how easy kills are to get). When it comes to shooters, I grew up on Golden Eye and Halo and really could give two shits less about "iron sights".
It wouldn't be Halo if it had iron sights. I don't even see why it was even brought up.
It was brought up early on in this thread when we knew nothing about Halo: Reach because some of us thought it would be a more tactical-based shooter. Then someone griped about changes in gameplay mechanics, and I said adding irons was the only thing I'd like, and not because I'm a CoD player (hate the game).
I don't treat iron sights as anything more than a little zoom and a accuracy boost. I usually scope in for a second to get someone then instantly sprint out to my next target. People who just scope in and slowly walk around corner and shit are stupid.
BTW I play Marathon + Stopping Power + Ninja at all times.
back on long do you think Reach will stand before being spoiled by MLG profags?
Psh. When the game is released it will already be infested by bad kids.
It's a consouless game.
ODST was infested by mlgfags days before it was out.