I'm not sure what you're getting at with the Xbox to PC accuracy difference. The tags are exactly the same.
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Yes, but PC doesn't have the same level of auto aim I don't think. I can spray like a motherfucker on XBOX and take a man out in less than three seconds with half a magazine at mid-range using the MA5AB. You can't do that on PC.
halo 1 xbox had a 90 degree field of view, while pc has a 70. idk if that affects anything, but its noticeable.
the assault rifle difference between pc and xbox might be because of the leading required in pc
Nope. I'm very good at leading, almost infallibly. Only time I have trouble is when someone uses one of those complicated strafe patterns, and that's kind of the point of said pattern.
On the other hand, I thought the 90 degree FOV was only in split screen modes. Single-player still has tunnel vision.
Actually you can, on LAN, where the autoaim (bullets come closer to target when the reticule is red) helps you.
I had a LAN game with my friend 2 weeks ago on PC without sniping weapons (that was the first time he played Halo). The assault rifle is a beast on LAN. It's actually very accurate if the reticule is red. I could kill my friend with half a magazine with no bullets missed at 20 meters. You can't do that online, at least not on moving people.
Blame it on the netcode. :\
They are updating the spartan player models now.
Well, in that case...
Wait, so now they are trying to make it look closer to the original Mk. V in Halo 1? :confused:
Yep, totally updated.
Probably have to play the game to get it to change. Mine is still outdated.