^ It's not a nostalgia issue. We play Halo CE because we confer that it is better because we have more fun on it. There's a reason I got rid of Halo 3 and Reach, more than half the time they were garbage.
E: Also Timberland was terrible.
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^ It's not a nostalgia issue. We play Halo CE because we confer that it is better because we have more fun on it. There's a reason I got rid of Halo 3 and Reach, more than half the time they were garbage.
E: Also Timberland was terrible.
What Reach really needs is more maps like Valhalla, Waterworks and prisoner.
I personally think Valhalla was a brilliant map among the other medocre maps that came with Halo 3 especially when you played it on big team.
I agree, Valhalla was brilliant. The only thing it needed was a slight change in weapon layout.
Valhalla was a great map, probably one of my most favorite of all time. If they remade it, I'd probably play more Team Slayer simply for it.
I was saying that SOME people are drawn by the nostalgia factor with Halo 1's maps (LAN parties back in the day). Obviously I can't hit on the money what everyone thinks are good maps. I thought Timberland was fun. People obviously differ. I bring the argument back around just because I'm tired of Bungie/343/whoever constantly trying to draw inspiration from the original. Some times you just design maps, kind of like how you just write songs.
But honestly, some of the maps existing in reach are to say the least not exactly the best.
I mean What went through their minds to think that grabbing sections from campaign and moulding them to fit multiplayer was a good idea I'll never know.
even the worst maps in Halo 2 and 3 were better than some of these sections.
Who honestly enjoys playing waterfront in firefight?
If only one map was to be returned in a pack I would hope it to be Valhalla, the armour abilities would suit that map down to the ground.
I just hope for future map packs they make maps which are entirely independent from the campaign areas, I seriously don't want to see another map like anchor 9 based on the station but played out like the pit.
Basically everything here. It makes me wonder what would've happened if Halo 3 and Reach combined for gameplay. No Equipment in H3, but Armor Abilities instead. No wiggy AR and melee, but the currently somewhat balanced AR and Melee in Reach. What if the pistol would have been the golden gun in H3 like it is in Halo Reach (golden gun is used lightly here)? I think Halo3 suffered from the lack of a few things and that Reach's assets could have perfected some of Halo3's lackings. If Halo3CE ever happens, then I definitely have an idea of what I'll do to change things up a bit. No doubt about it.
I never understood what people see in rat race. It's just a clusterfuck of grenade spam with some pistol strafing thrown in. Fun on CTF and other objectives, but a bit too mindless on slayer.
If you know how to work the map, it's amazing. The key is in the tunnels. Mindless is the very definition of Slayer, at any rate.