Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Bungie didn't seem to put the same amount of thought and consideration into Reach's difficulty balance as it did in the previous games. In Reach, it's just sloppy. Given how overdesigned the multiplayer in Reach is, I guess it's no surprise that the singleplayer/firefight suffers.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Bungie didn't seem to put the same amount of thought and consideration into Reach's difficulty balance as it did in the previous games. In Reach, it's just sloppy. Given how overdesigned the multiplayer in Reach is, I guess it's no surprise that the singleplayer/firefight suffers.
Proof of this : enemies with Fuel Rod seriously...what the fuck is up with those? It's as though they're Halo 2 sniper jackals on Legendary that have guns that shoot highly explosive sniper bullets.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
If they would have made the challenge 100,000 credits, do you think there would be as much whining (I don't mean for this question to sound mockingly, just proposing an idea)?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Holy shit
This weekly challenge is such a fucking joke. My ass 12,500 cR, fuck for 3 hours my friends and I couldn't get it, so close a few times, I mean shit I could have made more cR playing firefight during that time. Lets see how bullshit the next weekly is.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
And if you had completed it, you'd be on the hook to try the next one and the next one. Winter Contingency is a walk in the park compared to most of the other levels. I am at full peace knowing I will never attempt to play Halo Reach in such a broken fashion ever again.
That's my whole issue -- Bungie should know that this is broken and they should not be prescribing it to anyone. To me, it's the same thing as increasing the difficulty by flooding the screen with enemies and dropping the framerate down to a crawl. Standards of quality should kick in at some point, I would think, because it's not that LASO is too hard, it's that it's poor.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
It's just the 3 last elites I hate the most and what took up 3 hours. Die and repeat.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I really don't get why you guys had so much trouble :S Get the Sword Elite to attack Jorge by getting it to spawn then running away from it. Once it dies, take it's sword and use it's regular melee to kill the concussion Elites. Since you're meleeing them, your shields will keep coming back and you won't die :S
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
To add more salt to the wound, they shipped the game (AFAIK this was at ship) with campaign commendations which stop giving you any reward for individual increases after you hit silver. You end up only earning that 12.5k plus maybe 300 for completing. Yeah, twist that knife, twist it good. Oh, while you're back there, clean up some of that lube, you used just enough; I like to feel pain when I'm getting fucked. What's the point of an awards system if it stops rewarding you?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Since you're meleeing them, your shields will keep coming back and you won't die :S
Your forgetting about 2 elite concussion rifle elites hammering down on you if your taking one on. Then again if I kill a concussion rifle elite ONE of my friends die which made me mad.
New weekly challenge is complete 77 games of MM and its worth 11k, Grifball time.
Oh look a modder who is at Inheritor