Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
I however believe this crazy fuck up shit because, this government is fucking bonkers. They perform rituals to fucking Molech, they burn child efigees infront of an owl statue at bohemian grove for fucks sake. THERE ARE VIDEOS OF IT. PHOTOS OF THEM THERE. A week long camp hidden in a californian redwood forest, where only the elite and powerful are allowed, ONLY MEN ALLOWED with the Cremation of Care ceremony (molech sacrifice) on one night. These people are fucking insane and they want you off their fucking planet.
Dane i find it a little absurd that the richest and most powerful people on the planet dedicate so much time and secrecy AND resources to stage an elaborate ritual.
Mate these guys are the master manipulators and have been using it in every form since the dawn of time to control the populace and preserve power.
the idea that they'd risk that by allowing themselves to be deluded and manipulated for no foreseeable gain for themselves is just laughable.
"evidence" or otherwise.
you work in the industry and know just how easy it is for a skilled editor to edit in anything they want.
think about it, whats in it for them?
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
I however believe this crazy fuck up shit because, this government is fucking bonkers. They perform rituals to fucking Molech, they burn child efigees infront of an owl statue at bohemian grove for fucks sake. THERE ARE VIDEOS OF IT. PHOTOS OF THEM THERE. A week long camp hidden in a californian redwood forest, where only the elite and powerful are allowed, ONLY MEN ALLOWED with the Cremation of Care ceremony (molech sacrifice) on one night. These people are fucking insane and they want you off their fucking planet.
dane i have something to admit
it's me, i'm the man's spy who is watching your every move and reporting it to the highest levels of the world domination committee. trust me, i'm 1/4 jewish. i'm pure evil. i draw triangles with eyes on them and shit, i'm the spawn of fucking satan. you're boned, man.
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
No, that's not true. Humans do not have any immunity to this strain.
The latest Skeptic's Guide podcast have an interview with a doctor who explains some of the misconceptions and details of the virus (interview starts at around 35:30)
Obviously we don't have immunity to it :|
I was shit tired. I was meaning that it was treated the same as the normal flu by the human body (same symptoms) and was able to be treated as it is no different symptom wise.
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
<medical bullshitting>
The sudden influx of autism in population is a direct result of these shots.
No. As I said, none of the good studies done have shown that. You're throwing out stuff you read on infowars and not giving out any references. As for your medical bullshit.
Originally Posted by
Real flu kills upwards of 20 thousand a year just in america, iirc. See, that would cause a real panic if people knew about that.
Everyone already knows that. Everyone also already knows that those types of flu typically only kill those with weak immune systems, such as the very young, the very old and those whose immune system is already under strain.
Originally Posted by
Massive deal, made out of nothing that isnt massive at all, resulting in overprotection and suspension of rights. It's really just a more efficient version of 911. None of the mess, but the end result intact.
If 9/11 was a government conspiracy, what did it actually do? As far as I'm aware, the only rights it took away were the rights to bring liquids on planes.
Originally Posted by
Government hand outs directly to the people? Please, no real economy savy government would have done that shit, if they weren't trying to cause intentional debt. 1. 6 trillian dollers was given to the bankers, look that up, that is real. That is the gdp of america, gone. 6 months its going to be double that. 700 billion is fucking hilarious. Giving money, to the people who make the money. Get real folks. It's not about your precious fucking money anymore. They got that. Now is the next item on the list.
Never blame on malice something which can be blamed on incompetence.
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
Obviously we don't have immunity to it :|
I was shit tired. I was meaning that it was treated the same as the normal flu by the human body (same symptoms) and was able to be treated as it is no different symptom wise.
Just because one virus makes you sneeze and cough, and another does too, the body isn't going to be able to fight the one in the same way it would the other. Same symptoms =\= same virus.
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
Just because one virus makes you sneeze and cough, and another does too, the body isn't going to be able to fight the one in the same way it would the other. Same symptoms =\= same virus.
The coughing and sneezing is your bodies reaction to the virus to try and expel it to prevent further damage to cells. Your body is removing the virus particles so they can't infect any other cells.
Yes same sympmtoms doesn't always mean the same virus. If you've ever been to the doctor when you were sick, they ask you to right down your symptoms as it gives them a better insight into what the virus is as most viruses usually have unique symptoms as your body is fighting it of differently.
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
Just because one virus makes you sneeze and cough, and another does too, the body isn't going to be able to fight the one in the same way it would the other. Same symptoms =\= same virus.
Have you never watched House :cool:
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
I however believe this crazy fuck up shit because, this government is fucking bonkers. They perform rituals to fucking Molech, they burn child efigees infront of an owl statue at bohemian grove for fucks sake. THERE ARE VIDEOS OF IT. PHOTOS OF THEM THERE. A week long camp hidden in a californian redwood forest, where only the elite and powerful are allowed, ONLY MEN ALLOWED with the Cremation of Care ceremony (molech sacrifice) on one night. These people are fucking insane and they want you off their fucking planet.
While I won't disagree the government is a bit off sometimes, you sound like you've been reading Howl way too much. Also, you claim to have proof, but can you show us credible evidence.
I dunno what's really happened to you Dane, you were a cool guy when I first joined up. Hate to say it, but anyone who who believes this stuff, at least to the extent you do, has gone batshit bonkers.
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
Have you never watched House :cool:
It's Lupus.
Re: Ron Paul: Virus? what virus
Originally Posted by
Wasn't R1N1 Sars way back when as well?
SARS is caused by a coronavirus.
Originally Posted by
It's Lupus.
Better give him full body irradiation.