Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Two days ago, Masters and his team decided it would be best for the mod to use OpenSauce. He made a few requests, some which others deemed unreasonable, and said that if they could be pulled off, then they would use OS.
Last night, Kornman finished the first major part of the mod - the memory limits... Unfortunately, Masters responded by telling him to stop...
Some requests can't be pulled off, so we won't necessarily use OS. Simple.
Originally Posted by
Unfortunately, when you bump up the limit, the game becomes more unstable
Seems like a reasonable concern.
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I see it as kornman is going out of his way to update OS. If CMT still bitchs and moans about problems then kornman should just pull out.
Why should CMT call the shots and pressurize kornman?
We're calling the shots? From my perspective, we were forced into using OS because Kornman refused to update OS otherwise. Kornman is not obligated to update OS and we're not obligated to use it. Don't blame us if Kornman doesn't update OS.
Originally Posted by
Well CMT doesn't really seem to mind cutting everything out of their mod, so it's almost like Kornman is doing them more of a favor by encouraging them to keep it.
That's hyperbole. We certainly still have a lot of content in our mod.
Originally Posted by
It's because you can't think straight and use what is at your disposal to not have to cut things out. You might say you found a way to make more space, but at WHAT expense? Cutting out something of any value isn't a solution to a problem. Using OpenSauce to remove limits is.
First, it's still not your problem. Please stay out of it. Second,...
Originally Posted by
Choking Victim
The benefits of the offer severely outweigh the down sides, I don't even understand why cmt needs to think before accepting.
I disagree.
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supersniper likes this
Iagree with Jcap on this, why cut out hard work when you can just leave it, use the amazing work done by Korn and have even more in the mod.
We want to finish the mod, not add content just because we can.
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He's doing you lot a favour by taking time out of his life to help you lot.
He could quite easily be doing something much more worthwhile like personal lifestyle or going back to his H2Radio tool....
Personally, I wanted to hold off on committing to a decision until we were ready, but the rest of the team felt pressured to make the decision too soon. If we wasted Kornman's time, then sorry.
Originally Posted by
Terrible decisions. You've been bitching and crying about restrictions for years. You have the ability to stop wincing and removing bit after bit, but you lot are just too prideful to accept a good thing, even though you know YOU are wrong by not doing it.
What? What does pride have to do with anytihng? How are we flat-out wrong for not doing it?
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Personally I would love Masterz to take the offer up... :S
If we take the offer, then people are going to expect us to make more and more.
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This is exactly what I'm thinking. This entire issue is about how cutting content is NOT a solution to restrictions - OpenSauce is. I'm speculating that you're holding back your "solution" because you'd be making examples of our argument.
We're getting rid off stuff I didn't even realize was there, and doesn't affect anything. Nothing to write home about.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
what are you guys doing
i thought this was all organized >:(
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
expecting you to make more and more? i think not. by taking cutscenes out, you're taking out the story, and that's a big thing halo is about. etc etc, i won't reiterate more about everything that everyone already knows, including yourselves.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
wow....havent been here in like a year and after this probably won't be back.
I just read through all of these threads. It looks like the version debate is over. Wow using the newest version is obviously the right choice...I mean why would you choose an empty cup when you could have a cup full of water. Why should you let the people that are too stupid to upgrade enjoy something that the community is supposed to enjoy. The people that pirate and don't upgrade hurt the community.
On object limits and OS: If Kornman can increase the space for stuff, why cut it? If the offer is accepted the mod can be bigger in terms of content you can use. You may not be able to get all this content at once, but still. If the offer is taken than CMT can live up to their original goal of introducing the player to lots of content. Now, that doesn't mean they have to rush out and make more and more stuff, rather it allows them to include the stuff they have collected over the years.
And Im out. :cool:
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
So why didn't you reply to my post Arteen? Don't have a reasonable argument against it? Even if you don't feel you need the memory upgrades, why not use OS to decrease the map sizes by putting content in a shared map?
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I disagree.
Why? You've given us almost no logical reason why you're declining the offer, but we've given several reasons why you should. Here's a list so you can see how beneficial it is:
1. Lower map file sizes and faster download speeds (if korn pulls through with this aspect of the upgrade).
2. Memory increases.
3. Tag slot increases.
4. The community gets the benefit of using and learning from this upgrade to open sauce.
5. Multiple shared ( resource cache files. (again if korn pulls through)
6. Possible other goodies judging from korn's post "There may be another trick up the sleave you may enjoy".
1. You think you'll keep adding content to the maps with zero restrictions (even though there's still a limit).
2. You'll be limited to version 1.08 users.
Feel free to add to the down-sides list, as you were mostly unclear as to what exactly would be the bad thing about using open sauce.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
expecting you to make more and more? i think not. by taking cutscenes out, you're taking out the story, and that's a big thing halo is about. etc etc, i won't reiterate more about everything that everyone already knows, including yourselves.
We took out the hangar cutscene and the Legendary cutscene. Good riddance to the former, and the latter is trivial. That's not much of an issue.
We're going to have another chat about OS later, but in the meantime, it's our decision, not anyone else's, so I'd appreciate it if people would stop dictating to our group what to do (jcap, particularly). Using OS is not the right decision and not using OS is not the wrong decision.
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Limiting yourself by not using OS is the wrong decision.
And why have you all avoided answering the question presented earlier: what is the "solution"?
Re: Pardon Our Ignorance.
Im gonna put in my two cents before I got to go finish vaccuming, I had to write this up quick.
Masterz, and anyone else involved in this.
For several years now, you've been complaining "UGH THIS IS SO HARD I CANT INCREASE THE LIMIT OH SHIT TAG SPACE ERRORS" but. when the opportunity to fix that comes, you become completely fucking ignorant and think about your player base rather than the quality of your mod. We already went over this, if we were to have an installer to fix the issue. We thought we solved this issue and got all the way up to Step 4 and then you decided to change your mind because of a POSSIBLE issue and now we're back here at Step 0 with you arguing your same ignorant little argument of "playerbase" and "possible instability" before you even fucking tried.
I don't have time to read the whole thread so if this has been stated before, sorry, I'm in kind of a rush. Same with the spelling and shit I just dont have the time.
E: Also, I'd like to remind you people that during a live broadcast I asked to see the spike rifle. I saw the animations and said I didn't like them and said "I think they're crappy" Masterz pulled a Halo2hCE (my old account when I was 10) and replied with something along the lines of: "Rain, you're a fucking scrub, shut up because if we thought it was bad then we'd replace it, there's no need for you to say anything so shut up" If arguing a set of animations made him do this, now I think there's no point in arguing over Open Sauce.
EE: holy shit I got +67 rep for this post :|