I meant discussions.
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Those new skirmish gametypes in Invasion are pretty fun, although the map choices are all cramped.
With respect to the additions to Invasion, I'm not a fan. I do actually like the new Skirmish gametypes but I'd prefer them to be put into Slayer or in their own playlist. I'm an Objective player and Invasion was my favorite playlist. However, since the changes, all anyone ever wants to play is the Skirmish games! I played eight invasion games in a row the other day praying to play an actual invasion objective game and all eight games ended up being Slayer (Skirmish).
Those maps look awesome. I may have to renew my XBL when they come out. Really digging their environments.
So ummm can someone tell me how Halo: Reach is now adays? I haven't played since around.. October? Maybe November? I just kind of lost interest when I had a heavy work load for class. I might pick it up again now though.
I haven't had any problems getting both regular Invasion and slayer/skirmish gametypes in the playlist. Heck, I wish I had your luck so I wouldn't get stuck in another damned match of Invasion: Boneyard. Bungie needs to move up the offensive spawn points on Spire and Boneyard to be more like Breakpoint. If you're an Elite in phase 1 of Boneyard and your battle bro leaves, you're pretty much useless and it sucks. At least in Breakpoint you aren't too far from the action wherever you spawn.
anyone see the video for that condemned map? its on youtube
You can watch videos of all the Defiant Maps here: http://www.aushaloplays.net/n36-hd-g...fiant-map-pack
Highlands has an amazing Halo 1 feel to it. I love what I see so far.
I watched them earlier, and I really have to agree. Honestly, these 343i maps seem to match the "Halo" feel a little more than most of the retail Bungie maps, even though they're still clearly Reach-esque. The only question now is how they'll actually play (I really don't like the idea of 2 Sniper Rifles on a closed map like Condemned)
So the vehicle based firefight map has a single rocket hog...oh fucking boy I'm so excited.
Also the rocky path area where the Rocket hog was driving is eerily similar to Paradise Lost.