Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Wasn't vanity used by extracting the model files from Reach and then injecting them into Vanity? So, if there model files are hidden or disguised until given the proper codes, then they wouldn't have been able to extract these models to put into Vanity, right?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Been playing a lot recently. Skirmish on Unanchored has to be my favorite thing so far. Breakpoint is really good on 1-flag CTF and Invasion. What it comes down to on invasion really depends on who is in the falcon and banshee and who can control the air (of course that's just invasion in general.)
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Wasn't vanity used by extracting the model files from Reach and then injecting them into Vanity? So, if there model files are hidden or disguised until given the proper codes, then they wouldn't have been able to extract these models to put into Vanity, right?
You really have no clue how extraction works, nor Vanity. All of the sections from the spartans render model tag were extracted to some format, then imported into max. CAD or CV gave the models to veegie, he then set up a method for rendering each of the different permutations in 3ds max. Vanity just displays rendered images in the application, the actual model data is not inside of the application. It is explained here what he did.
As for "model files" being hidden, that's not really possible. Someone would have found the render model tag already in the map files, you can't hide a tag in a map file using a "code". Just curious, have you even worked with the Halo engine(s) before?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
You really have no clue how extraction works, nor Vanity. All of the sections from the spartans render model tag were extracted to some format, then imported into max. CAD or CV gave the models to veegie, he then set up a method for rendering each of the different permutations in 3ds max. Vanity just displays rendered images in the application, the actual model data is not inside of the application. It is explained
here what he did.
As for "model files" being hidden, that's not really possible. Someone would have found the render model tag already in the map files, you can't hide a tag in a map file using a "code". Just curious, have you even worked with the Halo engine(s) before?
No, I don't have any idea how Vanity works which is why I was asking that, but I knew it wasn't like the Halo 3 armor generators where it just linked to a variety of different images. And yes, I've played a lot with Halo PC/Halo Custom Edition and Halo 2, and have made many mods since I started modding in, oh, 2005? And no, I can't show you any proof of such mods since I've never posted any online and they were almost all on my old computer which died a few years back anyway (and yeah, you might say "pics or gtfo", but you'll just have to take my word for it) Of course, I haven't looked into Halo 3, ODST or Reach, so I wasn't sure if they changed much in the ways of how things worked.
Well, I guess you really do learn more every day, but hey, a man has the right to speculate, no?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Maybe the new armor is just some running joke they'll have with all of the map packs. The Noble map pack had that operator variant you can't actually get.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Maybe the new armor is just some running joke they'll have with all of the map packs. The Noble map pack had that operator variant you can't actually get.
This, like every other joke Bungie has done. xD
KillerSkippy21A, asked Evil Otto once more.
This armor does not exist in retail build of the game. :3
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Maybe the new armor is just some running joke they'll have with all of the map packs. The Noble map pack had that operator variant you can't actually get.
Yeah, maybe...and that's very probable too. I suppose we'll eventually find out the truth :P
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Yeah, maybe...and that's very probable too. I suppose we'll eventually find out the truth :P
Or maybe its a variant exclusive to employee discs?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Or maybe its a variant exclusive to employee discs?
Or it's just someone at 343 messing around since they'd have access to the same shared build systems that Bungie uses.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Or it's just someone at 343 messing around since they'd have access to the same shared build systems that Bungie uses.
Certain Affinity made the maps, not 343.
Originally Posted by
Or maybe its a variant exclusive to employee discs?
Not possible, you should know better since I know that you have worked with the engines. Think about tags/map files, it would have to be on everyone's disc in order for people to even see it.