@Lateksi, I don't usually like Halo montages because people stick to one generic style of play. That guy had some awesome moves and really impressed me haha.
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@Lateksi, I don't usually like Halo montages because people stick to one generic style of play. That guy had some awesome moves and really impressed me haha.
Fucking devs and their fucking resources :shakefist:. It should be illegal to take release pictures with non-release content in it. That or there should be a law which requires MS to pay Gearbox to port Reach to PC when they do. Oh and to finish H2V.
You sure the 5th wasn't a hologram :downs:?
Also, I'm an AL'ing fiend. Can't pop this 8). Halo PCers have the pistol. Us Reachers have our AL.
Halo Reach 'Defiant Map Pack' DLC dated - Computerandvideogames.com
Halo:Reach "Defiant" Map Pack Hits XBL On March 15 - gamefocus.ca
Halo: Reach Defiant maps coming March 15 - joystix.com
Halo: Reach Defiant Map Pack Preview - IGN.com
No one is saying anything about it, I already know it doesn't exist.
It might be an oddly-thrown corpse, but it can't be a hologram because of everyone except the guy shooting the focus rifle is using jetpacks.
AL just isn't any fun to play against. Your got a nice stick with the plasma grenade? Nope. Took out a guy's shields and are about to line up one last headshot? Nope. Caught some guy off-guard and alone? Nope. About to get any sort of kill? Nope. It's not bad on larger maps, but in close quarters and more than a few people are using it, it's just no fun and turns the whole match into an armor lock fest. Matches are usually when I don't run into anyone using armor lock.
I hope that Certain Affinity heads this. Highlands looks really cool and so does the other map for MP. Both environments look intriguing and could be nice to roam in on a larger scale. I'd certainly like anew Forge World, potentially an Urban map, or at least one with a mix between Technology and Nature.
I liked Sandtrap; it was fun for non-competitive play and AR starts (vehicles were actually needed/were a threat, remind you of a map in Reach right now?) and ideal for Social BTB (WHERE THE HELL IS IT IN REACH?). Reach's maps are only okay for Multi-Team, Invasion, and possibly Arena. Otherwise, I really haven't enjoyed my BTB and Medium-sized gametypes that much. Breakpoint could have been better, but it's too small to be incredible. Tempest is honestly the only decent map for anything not Invasion or Multi-Team in my opinion. Anchor 9 is a lot of fun in Invasion Skirmish though. I think Highlands will make a good BTB though.
I like AL and I think it's been properly addressed - removed from Arena and kept in vehicle-heavy gametypes. It can be upsetting in anything less than large-scale gametypes or pointless in DMR-heavy gametypes (It's obnoxious to delay the inevitable on Boneyard in a DMRs BTB game when you're out in the open, no shields, and have just sprung AL in hopes of somehow surviving), but I think it's addressed decently everywhere else.
I don't know how Bungie has kept it Host-styled instead of dedicated server-styled (where the server IS the main conduit in which connections are shared) after all of the years of obnoxiousness involving host migration and lag. Then again, have half a million people on at once with varying connections (half of which jsut plain suck like my own) would probably explode the servers or something. Idk, but I don't think anything that happens after Host Migration is really Bungie's fault, but just the limit of technology available. Keep in mind, just because something goes awry in Bungie's game, doesn't exactly mean it's their fault. Lag is in every MP game on XBL and it's fairly obvious the annoyances that come from it aren't intended by the designers. Older players (college-age and beyond) know to fix their connections to be good for XBL, but younger players are at the mercy of their guardians and thus will have whatever limited connection their providers are willing to use (my current issue regarding XBL, even though I have two yellows and a green for my connection check in the Reach menu, I lag like crazy now and can't play Invasion anymore making me very :sadface:.) It's just the old technology conflicting with the new, I believe, and is just how each connection probably interacts (a 12-year old Linksys modem will be less potent/compatible with interactions involving a recent model).
so the other day i had this great idea for a firefight map, but when i went into forge, i could not for the life of me figure out how to forge firefight maps. then it occurred to me that you probably cant.
can you forge firefight maps?