oh holy shit i totally forgot about griffball. thanks for the tip korn :iamafag:
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oh holy shit i totally forgot about griffball. thanks for the tip korn :iamafag:
Grifball has to be the only thing I really play anymore. It's really fun and it lacks the DMR spam.
BTB Spire + Jetpack Loadout = Botolf's Halo Reach Happy Place
Here's the science as to why:
- Rollin' with Jetpack Bros
- Rollin' the other team's Jetpack Hoes
- Sneaking around undetected
- Dropping down behind people and giving 'em trach scars
- Bailing out to make a quick escape
*sees Botolf on motion sensors*
*armor locks*
*team mates move in for the kill*
*walks away*, Haters gonna hate.
I just don't get BTB Spire. There's no particular flow to the map and it's much too large for 16 players. It's boring.
Spire and Boneyard need an overhaul in weapon placement, spawn points, and objective locations.
All the power weapons are clustered way too close together and both maps, and in the case of Boneyard, the team that spawns in the underpass has a much easier run to the rockets, sniper, and plasma launcher.
The back area of Spire (first round of invasion) should be cordoned off with kill zones to keep the map more focused. Really that's what both these maps lack in BTB - focus. Too much open unused area, and confusing weapon spawns.
Gotta admit, I enjoyed that map me teekup were on the other day.
Needs more grenades though.
Was it New Venice? I can't remember it's name. Or was it Severs map?