Worked like a charm, thanks.
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Worked like a charm, thanks.
Thanks wolf for the tip. Easy gamer score.
I got that achievement legitimately. Does that make me pro?
I really wish I could dish out $20 right now for the map and XBL, but sadly I'm on a narrow budget. Highlands looks to be a blast; if I do renew, I'll make sure it's for extended amounts of time.
I hope another Halo game isn't released anytime soon. I'm hoping late 2012 or mid 2013. I miss the 3 year intervals between games. Plus, i need to be able to play Reach long enough to enjoy the DLC content and all of that stuff.
Let me just say, Unearthed is easily the best Firefight map by far. Very close to Lost Platoon.
Condemned seems to be a little out of place within the playlist; it seems like it would really excel in 6-8 player FFAs rather than 6v6s. It just gets too crowded with people nading each other in the more confined areas. I had a game where people quit out and it turned into 4v4, which was lots of fun, which lead me to this idea. For the Uplink vs. Condemned I like Uplink better because of the way the paths are broken up.
I'm really enjoying Unearthed, brings me back to the good old days of when Lost Platoon hogging with a friend in ODST wasn't played to death. I don't think it would be a stretch to say this one is my favorite of the maps.
Highlands is just what BTB needs. This is how a btb map is supposed to be. It is fun to drive around but it takes more skill than most other maps. But it's also fairly easy to get around on foot and find weapons. Too bad it's DLC and will never be seen in the BTB playlist, and Hemorrhage will still reign supreme (all hail).
I still hope they are gonna use Halo 2's DLC model. Where the DLC maps became free after X months. I don't mind paying for them to get them early and it would be a shame to only play them in DLC playlists.
I've yet to play Uplink. Anyone care to explain the difference?
Comms hallway, observation deck, and stairwell blocked off (IIRC) with special dev-only Forge pieces. Overall shape is more of an eight than a wheel with four spokes. Only ways between each side of the map are through the center room or through teleporters. Weapon layout changed (e.g. sword in the center, no rockets).
Condemned is rather huge, so Uplink is a smaller, more directed experience. It's pretty fun.
The April MM update looks promising! Especially the new HUD widget for when your flag is away or when it is held by an enemy douche. It's the little things.
It's the little things (that have been in every Halo game previous). They still haven't done a thing about the transparent, easily-obstructed teammate icons in Invasion. This stuff should've gotten fixed after the beta, not months after the release of the full game.
EDIT: And I liked The Cage. It sounds like it will be entirely replaced by Uncaged, but Uncaged is lame.