I hate how those non-visible points over your other teammates heads. They're more or less pointless if you can't tell where your team is from a distance.
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Or mistake your teammate for an enemy turd
Almost lasered our own tank in a game once :-3
How many people here have the new mappack?
Should I buy it yes or no?
Highlands isn't perfect, but it's the only BTB-style map in Reach that's actually good. Condemned and Uplink are pretty neat. Unearthed is okay, but it really needs a chaingun hog instead of or in addition to the rocket hog.
It's fun! It just needs better spawns and a few more kill zones. The only change in Uncaged that I like is the ramp instead of that one-way jump between the sniper and (former) shotgun spawns near the cliff wall. Everything else was unnecessary. That map hardly needs a rocket launcher on it.
I bought it, hit me up on XBL if you have it :D
GT: Limited55
Edit:LOAD FAILURE in matchmaking, and custom game (just me) players failed to load content :(
Had to reload Halo twice to get it to work.
I'm sorry Arty, but I'll have to agree with pooky.
Ah yes now I realise why I quit Reach.
First game back for 4 months, first time ever playing the game. I get a 3rd of our teams kills in a 6 v 6 game. Bullshit.
I'll be back playing Reach soon. Limited I'll add you. Anybody else just send me a request.
GT: Darkbdawg08
I still wanna change my name to Spartan094 but it sounds off on xbox to me.
Also limited, this is why you play in parties and not on your own with other random people, just hardly works.