Double posting because I found this too funny.
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Double posting because I found this too funny.
I would just like to say that Classic Rifles fucking blows, and that the community is retarded for always picking that over regular Classic Slayer
No, but on a less raging note, I've only played regular Classic Slayer once or twice, the most memorable being on Prolonged, which was the best Halo Reach experience I've had in a while. Classic Rifles pretty much sucks, especially on small maps like Magus.
Has anyone played the new MLG playlist yet? I played it like twice and the maps just seem to promote DMR/NR spam and on the maps I played I don't think there was even another weapon.
That's basically what MLG does. Their Halo 3 playlist was the same way. Small maps with virtually no cover and scarcely a weapon other than the BR.
And that's why MLG sucks...
Basically, until they remove the DMR starts from DLC maps and actually make the Classic playlist classic, then I probably won't renew XBL anytime soon. I think the game is perfectly fine and operable without DMR starts. It's the shallow who whine about wanting faster kill times and quantity of points (hence DMR) over map-movement and quality gameplay. I can agree with the melee too. This sort of issue really makes me want Reach to have Dedicated Custom game Servers.
link here: linkyQuote:
Originally Posted by ShockxV
my reaction to his post (spoilered, its SFW, dont worry)
That persons stupidity is beyond reckoning.
The stupidity in that thread is beyond reckoning.
Oh god, this is why I don't touch bnet. I think I'm just going to stay here. Other forums scare me.
Did you guys see the thread about killing all BOB's in Reach unlocks the defiant DLC helmet (which is not in the map files from what I could find). It made me and sev wanna cry and people bitched at me for being right. Idiocy of