So now with them putting out these new gametypes, there's a chance they can be dissected and we can create our own, yes?
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So now with them putting out these new gametypes, there's a chance they can be dissected and we can create our own, yes?
You know, in light of these new gametypes I seem to remember a certain Shock120 saying it's not possible to make new game types and the ones shipped with the game were the only "new" types we would be getting.
Yeah, they've mentioned on several occasions that it's possible and much easier this time around to add in new gametpyes, hence the addition of Speedflag and Haloball into matchmaking as well.
So turns out last years April Fools was actually not faked? :O Epic
That is awesome. I'll definitely have to learn how to play.
Omg, I LOVE Team Classic , bringing back the legends on Halo 1. We need to get a game night going where we party up and use the Halo emblem and rape the noobs who have no idea what the level layout is :D
Haha just ,owned the other team (tho we lost 49-50) on RatRace, gotta love those teleporters to take you across map.
my GT is "thekillerdonut"
if im online, hit me up and ill play.
All MP game variants are entirely scripted. Slayer, CTF, etc they're all designer built game variants (including all their options). The variants themselves define their category so that's how they're able to slap in the new "Insane" category.