Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I just read the weekly update. A lot of that stuff actually sounds fun, the inherent problem being on what maps. I've been meaning to pick up Reach again if not only for the "because all my friends play it" factor, but the new update might make it worth while.
Hog Potato in particular sounds fun. It seems like Bungie's is trying to go back to those wonky game types that made Halo...Halo.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Because the kids complained that it wasn't the BR.
Well fuck them... :/
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I don't think I have played any DLC map, except for Anchor 9, in matchmaking. Unless it's the DLC playlist.
Edit: Just looked at the May playlist, and Ivory Tower is in Squad Battle? I'm assuming he meant Reflection?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Champ I do not know if you are right or not.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Hehe, I bet that made his day. It sure made mine seeing that :P
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Does anyone else feel like friendly fire needs to be turned off? I've been betrayal booted twice today for explosive betrayals that killed at least two other enemies at the same time.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
So for those of you who don't know, there's now a Reach demo available on XBL. Since I hadn't played Reach in a while, figured I'd try it out to refresh my memory. The demo includes Long Night of Solace (why that level?) as well as some generic Firefight and Slayer playlists. You play with other demo users, kind of like Halo Trial.
Unsurprisingly, all the things that made Reach such a mediocre multiplayer experience are still intact. Cross map DMR spam, double melee, sprint double melee, melee headshots, bad map designs, jetpacks, it's all there. Frankly I don't really see the purpose of releasing a demo at this point, anyone who was going to buy Reach has probably already bought it.
Originally Posted by
Does anyone else feel like friendly fire needs to be turned off? I've been betrayal booted twice today for explosive betrayals that killed at least two other enemies at the same time.
Since the beginning. Fuck friendly fire, Bungie's booting system is way too random and stupid anyway.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I heard about that, kind of pissed me off. What's the point of a demo this late in the game?