Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
You know how you fix Hemorrhage? Put the Scorpion back in, replace the plasma launcher with a Rocket Launcher, and put the Banshee where it belongs....
Idk- the scorpions were definitely becoming total whoring machines before they replaced them with the wraiths. The wraiths might not be a huge bit better, but at least you can't snipe with them from across the map. But I did like banshees on the map in H1pc, and rocket launchers would be nice. Plus GET RID OF GODDAMNED DMRS ON THAT MAP.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Idk- the scorpions were definitely becoming total whoring machines before they replaced them with the wraiths. The wraiths might not be a huge bit better, but at least you can't snipe with them from across the map. But I did like banshees on the map in H1pc, and rocket launchers would be nice. Plus GET RID OF GODDAMNED DMRS ON THAT MAP.
Scorpions were easy enough to kill with concentrated DMR spam, since their health doesn't regenerate.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
The rocket launcher would have been a perfect counter to it. The Scorpion has POOR maneuverability and can't exactly out run a rocket unless the person with the launcher is an IDIOT. I've tested this dozens of times in custom games before I got rid of the game.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
This is Bungie we are talking about. When was the last time they made a gametype that had good flow to it? Oh yeah, Griffball.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Hemorrhage really can't be fixed. It doesn't work with Reach's sandbox. But getting rid of scorpions and wraiths and revenants would do a lot of good.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
If they add Banshees now I think it'd fix a lot of in-balance in the map. They should also change the Plasma Launcher to a Splazer in my opinion simply because it will actually hit its target when used.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Hemorrhage really can't be fixed. It doesn't work with Reach's sandbox. But getting rid of scorpions and wraiths and revenants would do a lot of good.
Taking away the vehicles would make gameplay even more excruciatingly boring than it already is.
Originally Posted by
If they add Banshees now I think it'd fix a lot of in-balance in the map. They should also change the Plasma Launcher to a Splazer in my opinion simply because it will actually hit its target when used.
Rocket Launcher, not Laser. Laser takes no skill whatsoever and is basically a guaranteed kill.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
If they add Banshees now I think it'd fix a lot of in-balance in the map. They should also change the Plasma Launcher to a Splazer in my opinion simply because it will actually hit its target when used.
For fucks sake that thing was bad enough in Halo 3. I'm thankful it only makes minuscule appearances in MP in Reach as is.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Tanks are already boring, so getting rid of them can only help. Unless I'm playing Wartorn Cove, I really don't want to play a game of "Neutralize the tank" every few minutes. And anything that makes warthogs less of a deathtrap is great.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Tanks are already boring, so getting rid of them can only help. Unless I'm playing Wartorn Cove, I really don't want to play a game of "Neutralize the tank" every few minutes. And anything that makes warthogs less of a deathtrap is great.
Ideally, tanks would only appear in BTB anyway, so I don't really see what the big deal is.